Chapter 24:Quins war begins

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Quinn sat with me for Hours.My body was slowly gaining control,But I waited.

I would not let him be aware of my consciousness until I had full control.

Oh Graves if you can here my through this damn Blood call thing get your ass here!

Quins hands stayed frozen on me and It took every ounce of strength in me not to yank away till I had control,but Once I did...Well I'm pretty sure you can guess what I did.

"Get the hell away from me!"I yelp flinging my body away from him.

I had launched my body off the table,and far away, but once I stood my body collapsed.

"crap,"I muttered.

A burst of laughter caught my attention,and I Glanced around as I crawled backwards toward the wall.

Quinn stood around the table laughing so hard he was holding his stomach in pain.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and felt a familiar sensation go through my body.Shoulder blades warmed,but as suddenly as the feeling came it disappeared.

My anger faltered into confusion,and Quin stopped laughing and glanced at me.

"It's not time to change yet young one.Your time will come soon enough,but for now lets get you up, and I'll call for Graves, and Rubin,"He smiled.

He turned away from me,and stepped toward the exit door.I glanced around the room and noticed I was in a small nursing room.A few nurse beds,cabinets,bathroom door,and a ton of medical supplies but nothing out of the ordinary,But there was noway I wanted to be in a room with Rubin,Quinn and Creeper.I was still a little messed up so if anything went wrong creeper would have to fight on his own.

"Don't call Rubin!"I snapped.

Quin stopped, and turned to face me with a small smile played on his lips.

"and why not?Is he not another master in your household?I do believe You are both of their slaves."

I wanted to bitch slap him across the face..But I couldn't get up.

"First off,I'm not a slave I'm a Blood mate.Second off Rubin has no authority over me nor will he ever,third off if you don't stop looking at me like that when I can move again I will bitch slap that look right off your face."

My response left him speechless and gave me enough time to use the Bed frame to stand.

My legs wobbled,and I felt queasy,but I could stand.

Faintly smiling from my triumph shook him out of his dimwitted daze and back into life.

"Oh what a Mouth you have child.Rubin may not be your Blood mate but he still has authority over you until you take immortal form.All immortals have authority over you so I would be best if you hold your tong when speaking to someone higher then you,"His voice was full of pride and it pissed me of to no end.

"Listen you son of a b-"

Before I could finish my sentence the door swung open knocking Quinn aside,and Creeper rushed in.

"Graves!"I yelped as he neared me and I through my arms around him.

He responded to my closeness by rapping his arms around me and breathing deeply.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again,"He murmured burring his face in my hair.

My body filled with warmth as his hold on me tightened,and the tension grew.

My body wanted him again.

As if Creeper could hear my thoughts his hands lowered to my waist,and he drew back to look at my face.

His eyes,oh his eyes.Sooo dark.

"Excuse me,but Where is your Brother?"Quinn Broke the mood,and we immediately pulled away from each other.

Creeper looked at Quin as if he just realized his presence,and nodded."He was following me.Him and Beth should be here shortly."

"Beth!"I jumped.

My body was responding more easily now,but Creeper had to ketch me from falling.

"Someone say my name?"

As if on cue Beth walks through the door with Rubin at her side.

I leaped at Beth,and we both Embraced each other.

"I am so sorry about earlier.I don't know what came over me!"I cried.

She nodded,and tears slid down her face."Me too I Didn't mean to be so judgmental."she took one look at Rubin then gave me a look that said we'll talk later.

"So the beautiful Demon Feels better now i see."Rubin stepped closer, as Beth stepped back.

A surge of power flowed through me again.

The memories of Beth's pain, and the anger from class wanted to come out.

"Ember chill,"Graves voice soothed me,and the anger disappeared.

So instead of beating the crap out of Quinn and Rubin I did the most unlike me thing in the world.

I smile at them.

Not a sarcastic smile either.I genuine smile so I could get the hell out of here.

"Yes I am fine so if that is all can we go now?"I looked at Graves.

His face filled with confusion.

"Well ah no we can't.We have class."

My face hardened."I just had a freaking spasm attack and you want me to go back to class?!"I Glared.

"Yes actually it's demanded that you do.Your changing so fast that you need to learn as soon as possible, and you don't actually think you're the first students this has happened to do you?It's normal now Rubin will escort you to your next class,because I believe you to are in the same own while Mr.Graves,and your friend have have swimming with mermaids.Dummies guide to Surviving fish attack(They aren't all pretty and Nice you know)."Quinn ordered.

I was really starting to hate this guy,

"There is no way in hell i am going anywhere with this Douche bag,"I Stood my ground.

I waited for Graves to back me up,but he stood silent.

I turned to him,and him,and Beth were leaving...While Rubin Grabbed me,and yanked me out the door,

DAMMIT!Quin wants a war hes going to get a hell of one from me.

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