Chapter 3:My master the Creeper

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Cold, damp, and blind. Those were the first words that came to mind when I woke up from my deadly slumber. My body ached, and my poor limbs screamed at me to halt when I instantly sat up, panicked as to why I was surrounded by darkness. All light was absent from my prison cell, and well I wasn't even entirely sure it was a prison cell. Especially since I was blinded from no light!

I raised my hands in front of my face, concentrating hard on the area where they should be but all I got was an out line. Frustration caused memories of all of my pain from the last few days to flood back into my memory, as if I was reliving every horrible act all over again. Now was not the time for a mental breakdown, but every fiber of my being wanted to let all the emotions building up inside me slide down my cheeks in snotty tears.

I slid my finger under my eyes to wipe away tears that didn't even fall, because despite the sadness, anger still seemed to dwell deep inside my heart from my need for vengeance. So instead of crying my eyes out like a little girl, I gripped the side of the bed I laid on and tried to stand.

Triumph was my first reaction as my toes touched the cool, hard surface of the concrete floor, but I realized I was barefoot. Surprised by my loss of shoes I let go of the bed in order to search for my missing shoes, but was sadly disappointed when my hands met the cold stone ground with a painful fall.

An odd tingling sensation burst throughout my legs, like millions of ants were crawling their way up my legs, leading me to only two conclusions. One, bug's were possibly crawling up my legs. Or two, my legs were asleep... I was really hoping it was option two.

With my new handicapped moment, I gave up on walking and went with plan B: Crawling! The ant feeling began to subside after a few minutes of crawling around the room feeling everything in my grasp. I felt pretty confident I was alone after I covered every inch of the room, confirming my suspicions of being locked up in a damn cellar. The only objects in the room besides the usual crappy rusted framed bed was a small, dirty toilet and a sink that spat out water that smelled like mold.

I thank you, you stupid, murdering blood sucker.

To add to my list of awesome new things in this crap hole, there was only one exit... A steel door. Yes I just said steel!

After a few more moments of the ants, I finally had the strength to pull myself up off the floor with the help of the door knob.

So you figure after intelligently climbing my way up the door, I would have a better plan of escape but it turns out I didn't because guess what? I scream. "Let me out!" My voice cracking from a dried up throat, and my arms shake from instability.

Where is that damn vampire?

At the thought of that guy, my anger rose and memories of my mother started running through my mind like a video, which only made me scream, and pound harder upon the door.

Flash back:

It was the day of my sixteenth birthday, my friends all came over to celebrate another year of my splendid life, and nothing seemed like a better dinner then a old fashion family barbecue. Balloons were tied to every single plastic chair unfolded in the backyard, a gigantic banner hung across the frame of the house displaying ,"Happy birthday Ember!" No doubt hand made judging by the sharpy printed words. It was as if I was there, reliving the last happy moment I had with my friends. My mom didn't have any family alive as long as I have been born so my friends, well they were the only family I had ever known, along with my mother of course.

"Ember! Come on in the kitchen it's time for cake!" My mom bellowed out the back door at me and my friends lounging in the outside tables. At the sounds of my mothers voice, we all scrambled to be the first into the kitchen for some of my mom's homemade cake. As playful as our pushing was, no one would beat me to my own cake.

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