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Hey guys, Kristen here. As you may have noticed, this is a #NoMoreBullying book. As part of the challenge, you're supposed to write about bullying in at least 90 words. So, here it is.

I've been lucky enough that I've never been directly bullied before. The school that I go to is a pretty safe place, or at least that's what I thought when I first got there. See, just about a year ago I found out that a friend of mine was being bullied. Even worse, the bully was a person that I used to be friends with. I thought I had known that person, but as I now know, bullying is not an easy thing to detect.

The story "She's Gone and I'm Lost" isn't directly about bullying until the ending. It shows more of how bullying not only affects the person being targeted, but also the people around them. In the story, Alex was bullied, which ended up deeply affecting the main character, Danika.

This story shows just how serious bullying can be. Alex and Danika both start to shut people out of their lives, thinking that that is protecting them. If you are being bullied, don't be afraid to tell someone. You are all great people with boundless potential and I'd hate to see that go to waste. If you have no one to turn to, my inbox is always open. Don't give up, stay strong.

I'm so glad that I can be part of the #NoMoreBullying campaign on Wattpad because it's so important to me that no one has to go through what the characters in this book did or people in real life. This is the part where I'm supposed to tag people to join the movement but I'm just going to say that I challenge all of you. If you want to write a message for the campaign or just want to share your story, do it! And if you don't want to make your own story, send it to me and I'll post it on here (I'll give you credit for it, obviously).


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