frst fite

17 1 0

"collumn tittie fak me until i dye!!!1!1!1" super fan kelly creamd.

"no super fan kelly i fak this girl!!!1 wut is name???!???" collumn who'd sez.

"i am garah netnier from kansas. i is 15 and undrage but luv overpowrs all collumn!!!1! show me the ways of fak!!!1!1!1" ice cream!!!1!1!

"garah barah i no i hav not nown u long, but i luv u!!!1 there!!1!1 i say it!!1!1! i luv gabrielle netnier!!1!1" collumn who'd creamd.

"YAAAASSS COLLUMN WHO'D!!!1! but wet! my name is garah netnier!!1!1!1 i am mad at you!!!1"

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