Meeting the V.P.

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Charming. Charming is a gorgeous town. I've only lived here for two weeks so far and honestly I couldn't image being anywhere else. My best friend invited me to move here with her to live closer to her family and friends. Ashley, my best friend moved out here a month ago, she met a guy his name is juice. Who the fuck names their kid juice? Anyways, Ashley wants me to attend a party at the juice guys motorcycle club tonight. Ashley is slightly whored up, tight dress with the bottom of her ass hanging out. Six inch heels. I don't have time for that shit. I slid on some holy jeans, a black crop top with my black leather jacket, I slipped on my boots and left my hair down and my makeup smoky. I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where Ashley was standing.

"I cant wait for you to meet juice" Ashley smiled.

"me neither" I said bored.

We headed out the door and into my Camaro. We got to the club and I parked. Ashley hopped out and met me at the back of the car. There were a bunch of people on a picnic table out from the building. I looked up and around I noticed the place in the back read Teller-Morrow. An auto shop.

"lookie lookie ladies" a tall dark curly haired man mused at us as we walked inside.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Once we got inside Ashley started scanning the room she spotted who she was looking for, we headed through the area, people are squished together arm to arm. I noticed a blonde guy and a tall dark haired guy nearby up ahead of us. There was a girl in lingerie giving them a hard time. She eventually slapped the talk dark haired guy and right as the blonde guy went to slap her I dropped her feet out from under her. The guys looked at me shocked, Ashley was shocked and stepped back.

"whyd you do that" the blonde guy asked.

"looks better if a female drops a bitch rather than a president" I said touching his patch.

He smiled at me softly and nodded.

"she should be easier to handle now" I said stepping away.

Ashley jerked my arm and shoved me against a wall.

"are you fucking stupid tay, that's jax teller" she yelled in my face.

"what happened" a bald guy with tattoos on his head asked.

"juice thank god, she just interrupted jax and your vp. " Ashley said

"doing what" juice asked.

"a girl hit the vp and the president went to hit her back, tay dropped her instead" Ashley said.

"shes good" the president walked up

"alright" juice said.

"I wanted to thank you" the president said.

"no problem, im tay" I said extending a hand.

"jax" he smiled shaking mine.

"nice to meet you" I smiled.

"same, listen theres a pissed off scottsman at the bar that would love to buy you a drink to thank you for defending him" jax said.

I looked up to see the vp at the bar. I looked around and saw Ashley pulling juice into a back room.

"well since im ditched by my friend anyways, might as well partake" I smiled.

"sounds good" he smiled.

I headed towards the bar and sat on the stool next to the Scottish man. He smiled a me softly.

"hell of a right hand ye throw there love" he smiled.

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