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I woke up early the next morning, juice was already out of bed. I got showered and ready for the day. I walked into the kithen to find juice sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and the newspaper. I ran my hand over his Mohawk and got myself a cup of coffee. I sat across from him.

"good morning" he smiled.

"mm good morning" I said stretching.

"sleep good" he asked.

"better than expected" I smiled.

"im working in the shop today, gonna earn a bit" he smiled.

"so ill see you quite a bit today huh" I smirked.

"yea, might be a bit distracting" he smirked.

"well juicy boy, don't let me interfere with your work" I winked.

"mmm you make that difficult" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me to his lap.

I smiled up at him and let him kiss me softly. I pulled back and he rested his forehead on mine.

"lets head out" he smiled.

I stood up and let him follow me out of the house. I got in the truck and juice got on his bike. I pulled out and he followed me to TM. Once I got there I parked and got out. I went in and got busy with paperwork and orders. After a while the sheriff came in the office.

"hello im sheriff jarry" she smiled.

"yea what do you need" I asked.

"ok, I was wondering if you've seen gemma teller" she asked aware of my rudeness.

"nope" I said being short.

"look if you see gemma have her call me" she said putting her card on the desk.

I picked the card up and ripped it up and trashed it. I turned to her with a pissed look.

"listen, sheriff jarry, I am not your fuckin messenger, if you need to talk to gemma, find her yourself isn't that what pigs do, trace people they need or want, do your fuckin job and earn her. Don't go asking for fuckin hand outs" I said in her face.

"sure thing" she said clearly pissed.

She walked out of the office as jax and chibs pulled up. She walked over to chibs who kept looking towards the office. I shot him a bird and slammed the door. I was signing paperwork when juice came in the shop door.

"you alright, I saw the sheriff" he said.

"yea, shes looking for gemma" I said.

"looks like shes looking for chibs too" he said watching me closely.

"good for her, what are you doing" I asked looking up at him.

"checking on you, working on a piece of shit bike" he laughed.

"im fine" I said standing up.

Juice wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close, I felt his lips on my cheek. The door opened and chucky stepped in.

"sorry tay" chucky said.

"its fine chucky, juice was just heading out to the shop" I said looking up at juice.

"yep, had to order a part" juice smiled.

"ok, I accept that" chucky smiled and sat on the couch.

"bye juicy boy" I smiled.

"bye beautiful" he said kissing my cheek and walking out.

I finished out the day working, gemma never came in. I walked out of the office to see jax at his bike. I walked over.

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