Darkness ensues

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"HEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MOTHER FUCKERS" rats voice came loudly through the clubhouse.

I shot out of bed and looked around. The room and bed was empty except me. My head is throbbing. I got up and put my jeans on and changed my shirt. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked out of the room. I walked out to the clubhouse and sat at the bar. I got a shot of whiskey and some advil.

"how ye feeling" chibs asked.

"wonderful" I sighed holding my head on the bar.

"gotta go for a run with jax, ill be back soon" he smiled.

"alright" I said.

"walk it off love" he said kissing the back of my head and walking out.

I got up and headed back to the room to get my shoes on, I spotted happy still asleep against the wall. That shit cant be comfortable. I kicked his leg. With a swift move he knocked my legs out from under me, I just did catch myself so I didn't hit my head on the concrete floor.

"mother fucker" I said from the ground.

"shit, im so fuckin sorry tay" he jumped and helped me up.

"what the fuck" I said looking up at him.

"im sorry" he said.

"yea, go to bed" I said walking around him and into juices old room.

I got my shoes on and grabbed my sunglasses off the side table. I walked out to see happy still in the hall.

"can we talk" he asked.

"theres nothing to talk about, besides you've already gotten me out of your system, your whore told me all about you spilling your guts" I said walking past him.

I heard him punch the wall hard and then slam a door. I walked over to TM and got busy for the day with chucky. I noticed the girl from yesterdays car still here. I walked over and looked inside. There was lingerie all over and shit. I chuckled to myself.

"shes picking it up today, jax said he wouldn't allow anyone here to work on it" chucky said from behind me.

"good, if shes lucky I wont slash her tires" I said.

We worked for a few hours until the guys got back. Chibs and I were standing outside TM talking when the porn star showed up to get her car.

"do I need to hold ye back" chibs asked.

"nope" I laughed.

"ye got a sniper in the trees a couple miles away" he asked chuckling.

"no" I laughed.

"im here for my car" the girl said holding her nose that was heavily bandaged.

"chucky get me the whores keys" I called.

"sure thing" chucky smiled.

Chucky handed me the keys and I held them out on my finger.

"larkin auto body down the street will do whatever you want to it, they even take pussy as pay" I winked.

"I am sorry for yesterday" she cried.

"save that weak shit for someone who cares, I could have killed you and should have, don't make me continue the quest today" I sneered.

"you're the vp's ole lady" she asked.

"aye" chibs said.

"so why do you care about that guy" she asked pointing over her shoulder to happy who just came out of the clubhouse.

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