Filing Papers

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I woke up to see Chibs still asleep. I smiled down at him and kissed his cheek. He stirred a bit before opening his eyes.

"good morning love" he said.

"good morning" I smiled.

I got up and got clothes for the day and walked into the conjoined bathroom. I was standing under the hot water of the shower when I felt hands wrap my body and rub my sides. I turned to see chibs. I smiled and kissed him under the water. We were making out until he slammed me against the wall and gave me exactly what I loved getting from him, himself. After we were finished we got cleaned up and got out of the shower. We both got dressed and headed to the kitchen. Juice and Ashley were at the table.

"so are you guys a thing" juice asked.

"no brother, were much more than a thing" chibs raised his eyebrows at juice who smiled.

"no more crow eaters" juice said.

"what the fuck is a crow eater" I asked.

"biker groupies" Ashley said.

"yea that better not happen" I said.

"you don't know how to be an ole lady yet huh" Ashley smirked.

"no but I know how to shoot a gun" I said walking back to my bedroom.

I was getting my stuff together to go to work when chibs came in and leaned against the door frame.

"im not going to be with anyone else" he said.

"I didn't say you were" I said turning to him.

"trust me" he said.

"I do, otherwise with the shit I know, I wouldn't still be here, your dangerous to get involved with and I know that, but im still here. If that tells you anything" I said.

"it does love, and im grateful" he said.

"I trust that your loyal, doesn't mean if I see them trying to persuade you that I wont get a little defensive" I said.

"id expect you to baby, as I would with you" he said.

I smiled at him and grabbed my purse. I went to walk past him but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"I got you something" he said.

"ok" I asked raising a brow.

"I want you to have it for when im not around, but just as well like you said its dangerous being with me, I want you to keep it in your bag at all times, no numbers, no tracing it back" he said holding out a 38 special to me.

"thanks" I smiled and slid it in my bag.

I held his face in my hand and kissed him softly.

"I was thinking about our talk last night" he said.

He stood up and pulled me against him and kissed the top of my head.

"Im meeting lowen this morning, getting everything set up" he said.

"babe, you don't have to, its not that big of a deal, I just wanted to know what im looking at, I don't need a wife coming back with a vengeance" I said.

"I doubt that will happen" he smiled.

"lets drop it, im tired of talking about it" I laughed.

"care if I drive you to work love" he asked.

"I would love for you to drive me to work" I said.

He kissed me roughly and wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me outside. We got on his bike and I put his helmet on. Once we got to the shop, gemma was just unlocking the office door. I got off the bike, handed chibs his helmet and kissed him softly.

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