running away

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I sat up quickly looking around. I was in bed alone. There was a shower running. I got out of bed and looked around I noticed a kutte laying on the chair in the room. I looked at it and let out a sigh. The bathroom door opened and I looked up. Happy stood there with a towel around his waist watching me.

"feeling ok" he asked.

"I guess, my fuckin mouth hurts" I said.

"that's what happens when you take a fist to the face" he said checking my face over.

"I thought I was slapped" I said.

"no, that was closed handed" he said.

"my fuckin arm is bruised" I said.

"what the hell happened that brought that on" he asked sitting on the bed.

I sat beside him.

"he told me he was proving a point with that girl that I couldn't move on, I said Fiona was right about him, he said go jump on my new dick stick I said I would considering my new dick stick was right crazy sex if better than married sex, and he hit me" I said.

"damn baby you tarnished the mans sex game" he laughed.

"I don't give a fuck" I said.

"well im sure hes hurting this morning as well" he said.

"I remember seeing you hit him" I said.

"yea quite a few times" he said.

"he get you" I asked.

"maybe twice, caught me right above the eye, he was pretty wasted" he said.

"im glad I hit his bitch with a crowbar" I smiled.

"yea she looked pretty fuckin bad" he laughed.

"im sorry I put you in that position" I said.

"no, it was my place to stand up for you" he said.

"I appreciate it" I said.

"anything baby, anytime" he smiled.

I leaned over and kissed his bare tattooed shoulder. He rest his lips on my forehead. I looked up at him quizzically.

"what" he asked.

"what happened after I passed out" I asked.

"after I got done with that shit, I brought you back here, I got you stripped and put in my shirt since I got blood on you from carrying you, then I changed and went to bed with you" he said.

"no crow eaters" I asked.

"fuck no, I don't have time for that shit, one crazy ass woman in my life is enough" he laughed.

"worried ill beat her with a crowbar" I asked.

"no im worried youd shoot me and whatever bitch could be there" he laughed.

"probably, id keep you alive long enough to do a make a vibrator kit on you though" I laughed.

"oh so you could always have my dick" he laughed.

"well hell yea" I laughed.

"that is why I cant just walk away from you, you claimed you were addicted to him, that's how I feel about you" he said.

"your addicted to me" I asked raising a brow.

"yea, you think I fuckin do this chasin females game, you think I keep one girl all the time, I haven't had shit to do with diosa since the first time you and I hooked up, I haven't had shit to do with any crow eaters since then either" he said.

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