Emotionally Drained

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I woke up early this morning. I got a shower and got ready for the day in jeans and a black tank. I slipped on my doc martens and did my makeup but left my hair down. I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to see juice fully dressed and pouring two cups of coffee.

"you taking your car to work" he asked.

"uh yea, I think so" I said.

"listen im sorry for putting you in that situation" he said.

"its done, it happened, its over, we cant take it back" I said.

"I just don't want you pissed at me" he said.

"im not" I said putting my hand on his cheek.

"alright" he said softly.

"lets just make it through today and then figure shit out" I said.

"yea, sure" he said.

We had a cup of coffee together and headed out. Juice followed close behind all the way to the shop. I got inside and started working on the paperwork. Around 3pm chibs came over to the office. He shut the door and sat down on the couch.

"whore go home" I asked not looking up.

"im sorry love" he said.

"don't call me that" I said.

"it was a mistake" he said.

"got it" I said.

"are ye ready to go, Fiona and the ira will be at the meet spot in thirty minutes" he said.

"yep" I said grabbing my bag and walking out the door.

"look the fuckin tude needs to stop, you need to be calm and alert" he said.

"im good, you don't worry about me, you weren't last night" I said jerking my arm from him and walking towards his bike.

I waited for him to get on his bike then I got on. I saw juice watching me closely. We rode for a while before pulling up to a barn. I got off the bike and walked over by the rest of the guys.

"you alright doll" jax asked.

"besides being cheated on sure, im fuckin peachy" I spat.

"im sorry" he said.

"not your bed, don't lay in it" I said.

"just keep your eyes open doll" he smiled.

"oh they are" I smiled.

"you alright" tig asked.

"holy fuck who else is gonna ask" I laughed.

"me" bobby smiled.

"fuck you guys" I laughed.

"is that an offer" tig smirked.

"sorry tiggy baby, no dick here, cant help ya" I smirked.

"low blow" he laughed.

A few black suvs started pulling in. I stood behind all the guys. Once the vehicles stopped a few guys got out and then two females. I watched chibs, his facial feature changed.

"you really going to give up your daughter" the older female whom I guess is Fiona asked chibs.

"im not giving her up" chibs said.

"why are you doing this dad" kerrianne asked.

"were not together anyways baby, this has to happen"chibs said.

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