under fire

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"ey, ey, wake up love" a voice said shaking me lightly.

"huh" I shot up in bed looking around.

Chibs was sat on the edge of the bed looking at me.

"we just got in, its 10am" he said.

"sorry, you scared me" I said.

"its alright, jax wants you to get ready, were gonna head over to darbys" he said.

"alright" I said standing up.

Chibs stood up and looked at me, he stayed there watching for a while. I turned to look at him after fixing my hair.

"what" I asked.

"why are ye so caught up on me" he asked.

"how about after this shits over you and I go to that spot you took me the night we met and I tell you" I said.

"I want ye to listen to me love, things are changing" he said.

"I know, its time to adapt or perish" I said.

He gave me a look, kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I got myself ready to go and turned to the door to see happy standing there. He smiled at me and walked in.

"you ready to go" he asked.

"yea" I said.

"you alright" he asked.

"yea" I said.

"riding with me or jax" he asked.

"I don't care" I said walking towards the door.

Happy nodded and followed me out. I walked out the door with Ashley In tow.

"what are you doing" jax asked Ashley.

"going with" she said.

"for what, so you can go tell the mayans about the shit we do" tig asked.

"because I want my best friend back" she turned to me.

"he dumped you last night huh" I asked.

She held her head down. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"your with me" jax said to me.

"you can ride with me"tig told Ashley.

I got on jax's bike and we all headed out. We have a long ride ahead of us. I ended up pulling my legs up and wrapping them around jax's waist and wrapping my arms around his upper torso, then laid my head on his shoulder. I felt the bike pull to a stop and jax tapped my leg with his hand. I upwrapped myself from him and he leaned back so his face was next to mine.

"stay behind me at all times" he smiled.

"alright" I smiled.

"lets go doll before they all get jealous" he laughed.

I got off the bike and jax followed. I cocked my gun and made sure I was ready for the fight ahead. I followed. We walked into this run down building. I noticed Ashley was behind tig at the back of the group. Happy and chibs were behind me and jax. We come around the corner to see a guy tied to a chair. The mayan president was standing by him.

"didn't know youd have both our ladies" alvarez the mayan president said.

"that one claims your boy dumped her after what happened last night" jax said pointing to Ashley.

"that so Mario" alvarez asked his guy.

"hell yea boss, she gonna get us fuckin killed" Mario said.

Chibs.::PuRe AnArChY::.TelfordWhere stories live. Discover now