sorry i threw a Wrench in your plan

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"YOU CANT FUCKIN PARK THERE" I yelled at some bitch parking where the guys park their bikes.

"why not, im here to get my car looked at" she smiled stepping out of the car in a micro mini skirt and bikini top with 6 inch fuck me pumps.

"fine, park there but don't say I didn't warn you" I smirked.

"whatever" she popped a bubble with the gum she was chewing.

How fucking cliché. Dumb bitch.

"chucky, keep watch a minute" I said walking over to the clubhouse.

I went inside and got rat to come out with me. I told him about the bitch who wouldn't move her car and he walked over to TM with me. We walked in the office.

"you have to move your car" rat said.

"it needs to be checked" she said.

"so pull it up to the garage" he said.

"you do it, you're the mechanic" she said.

"no im not" he said.

"then its not your business" she smirked.

"wheres your keys" I asked the girl.

"right here" she dangled them from her fingers.

"can I have them please" I asked

"uh no, wheres that hot guy that works on the bikes" she asked.

"who" rat and I both asked.

"the really sexy one with the tattoo on his head" she said.

Rat and I shared a look.. happy.

"ill call him" I smiled.

I walked outside and dialed happys number. I knew he was on a run with the guys and chibs would be paying close attention to the fact that he was on the phone with me. Since our last meet I chose to be with chibs, were dating now and im his ole lady. Part of me thinks it may have been the wrong choice but hes the healthy choice. Happy answered the call.

Happy; hey

Tay: there is a fuckin whore here wanting you to come work on her car, she parked it where you guys park and wont move until you get here.

Happy: who the fuck is it.

Tay: I don't know she looks like Malibu Barbie fucked every dick in California and forgot to shower.

Happy: im on my way

Tay: hurry.

I hung up and walked inside.

"hes on his way" I said.

"thanks" she sneered.

"how do you know him" I asked.

"he likes to come by diosa" she said.

"oh that's why you look like a whore, because you are one" I smiled wide.

"now I get it" rat smiled.

"whatever bitch, don't be jealous" she said.

"jealous" I laughed.

"yea, that I fuck sexy bikers and make money for it, you crow eating whores are free" she smiled.

"im not a crow eater" I said.

"I don't care." She smiled.

"you should, shes the vice presidents ole lady" rat said.

"that means shit to me" she said.

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