Shots Fired

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I woke up and rolled over to an empty bed. I ran my hand along the sheets remembering last night. I smiled to myself and got up. I got showered and dressed for the day. Did my hair and makeup. Then I walked into the living room. Juice was still asleep. I got some water going for tea. I was standing at the counter pouring our glasses when I felt lips on my neck. I turned to juice and smiled.

"good morning beautiful" he said.

"good morning" I said giving him a mug of tea.

"sleep good" he asked sitting at the kitchen table.

"yea" I smiled.

"whats the plan for today" he asked.

"im going to the clubhouse to figure out what the fuck is going to happen with chibs, im tired of playing the wait and see bullshit game" I said.

"sounds good" he said.

"look juice, things cant be odd between us, no one can know whats happened" I said.

"I know and I wont make things weird or let anyone find out" he said.

"were both fucked if anyone does" I said.

"I know, no worries" he said pulling me into a kiss.

I smiled down at him and finished my tea.

"I swear I should've met you first" juice smiled as we headed out to leave.

"cant change that now, but everything will get figured out" I said.

"alright beautiful, lets get to the shop, you taking your car" he asked.

"yes, thanks for coming last night" I smiled.

"anytime" he smiled.

We got to our vehicles and drove to the shop. I parked and got out. Chibs was waiting for me by the shop door. I walked up to him. He pulled me into a hug.

"I just found out that Fiona and the irish are still here, kerrianne is the only one who flew back" he sighed.

"wonderful" I said.

"im sorry love" he said.

"you've been saying that a lot lately" I laughed.

"look why don't we just keep friendly for now, until we can get her off our asses" he said.

"did you have company again last night" I asked.

He avoided eye contact.

"I don't want to hurt you, im a fuckin man and im in a tight situation" he said.

"so walking away and pleasing your dick is going to make the situation right" I asked.

"I never said that" he said.

"that's fine" I said.

"ye don't want to be me ole lady" he asked.

"I don't know what I want" I said.

"I understand if you make time for someone else, ive done it a few times and I cant ask for you to be loyal if I haven't" he said.

"I originally wanted you for your loyalty, that and the accent are very sexy, but now I cant help but want to punch you in the fuckin mouth" I said firmly.

"I understand and im sorry" he said.

I walked past him and into the office. Gemma was sat at the desk.

"gemma do you care if I leave and come back in a few" I asked.

"yea whatever you need honey" she said.

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