Keeping secrets

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Charming has taught me a lot of things. Just as well I have learned a lot of new skills. None that could be used in the everyday world but definitely ones that can be used in our world. I woke up this morning beside happy and I couldn't help but think that maybe there is a reason I ended up in charming. Maybe I wasn't exactly wired right to live a normal life. Maybe this is what I was built for, to run amuck and fuck shit up. I got a shower and got dressed. Happy was dressed and ready to go when I came out of the bathroom. He smiled at me and walked out of the room. Today is a new day.

I walked into the kitchen and joined happy for some coffee before we head to the clubhouse. Once we arrived at the clubhouse we went inside. Jarry was at the bar eating eggs. Chibs was at a table with a cup of coffee. Jax was sat by chibs and rat was laid on the couch. Tig was nowhere to be found. I sat by Jax and stole a drink of his coffee.

"how was your night" he asked.

"eventful" I sighed.

"I heard you drank a little much" he smiled.

"that I did" I said.

"ready for today" he asked.

"yea I woke up with a whole new outlook" I smiled.

"after this run today I want you and chibs to take some time away from everyone and talk" he said.

"sure thing" I smiled.

I got up and walked towards the back of the clubhouse. I looked in tigs room to see him standing there shirtless with just jeans on.

"you stayed here last night" I asked.

"no, just got in a bit ago and showered" he said.

"thanks for taking that shit for me yesterday, you wont have to again" I said.

"anytime, whatever you need" he said.

"I appreciate it" I smiled.

"that's what we do for those we love" he hugged me and kissed my cheek.

I smiled up at him and he pulled apart to put a shirt on. I waited until he was fully dressed to follow him out to the clubhouse. Jax met me in the center of the room.

"ready to go" he asked.

"yea" I smiled.

"happy, chibs and tig are with us, rat stay here with jarry" jax said.

We headed out. I got on Jax's bike with him and put on his helmet. Chibs was shaking his head and looking pissed. We drove to the jail and parked. I got off and handed jax his helmet. He hung it on his handle bars and turned to me.

"go talk to him a minute" he said nodding towards chibs.

I sighed heavily and walked over.

"are you ok" I asked him.

"im fine" he sighed.

"listen I don't want any shit, yea im pissed at you, your pissed at me" I said.

"im not pissed at you, I was pissed at fucking juice and tully, I took it out on you and im sorry, im sorry I fucked jarry, im sorry about diosa" he said aggravated.

"I cant take the apologies chibs, every time we forgive each other something new happens" I sighed.

"what do ye want love" he asked.

"things to straighten out." I said.

"they will I promise" he said.

"we'll see" I said.

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