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I woke up this morning later than usual. Guess it was because of the stress of the evening. I got up and showered. I got dressed and dialed juices phone number.

Juice: hey how are you?

Tay: fine, everything ok?

Juice: yea, jax found out gemma went to her dads and he headed up there.

Tay: what do you think hes going to do?

Juice: I don't know, he said talk to her.

Tay: where are you at?

Juice: clubhouse.

Tay: sorry about last night I couldnt stay at the house though.

Juice: its fine.

Tay: hows the bulletholes?

Juice: good I guess, chibs has me taking these damn pain killer to help keep the pain down.

Tay: good, I might come over in a bit.

Juice: alright, im in my room laid up

Tay: alright, you want anything

Juice: just you.

Tay: awe you might be the sweetest guy ive ever met.

Juice: im trying. When you get here ill call Ashley.

Tay: alright.

Juice: jax wants to have a party, were calling it a party anyways, ill tell you when you get here.

Tay; alright im leaving now.

I hung up and headed out the door. I got to the clubhouse and parked. Chibs was outside on the picnic table with his sheriff. I walked up and as I opened the door the sheriff decided to speak.

"heard your having a celebration" she smiled.

"I wouldn't know, us biker whores aren't privy to club intel" I smirked.

"jarry, leave her alone" chibs said.

"because she will hit me again" jarry asked.

"no, see that was a warning, I only give one of those" I smiled.

"how lovely of a lady are you" she smirked.

"I never said I was a lady, but I do claim world class bitch" I spat and walked in the door.

I walked through the clubhouse until I ran into tig and bobby.

"hey boys" I smiled.

"whats up beautiful" tig smiled.

"oh getting to know our lovely sheriff again" I smiled.

"im so sick of that bitch" bobby said.

"yea apparently im not a lady" I laughed.

"fuck her, your more woman than she will ever be, dyke looking cunt" tig said.

"im going to see juice" I said.

"hows that going" bobby asked.

"good, were not together or anything but hes sweet" I said.

"good, if he fucks up im here" tig laughed.

"oh good lord lets hope hes a good man" I laughed.

"hey hey" tig laughed.

I blew them both a kiss and headed back to juices room. I knocked once and went in. juice was in bed sat up on a pillow.

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