BTS [notes]

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All of this under this text is before the co-lab between me and Aryandiani

Forget the school lets make it a mansion it makes my life a heck of alot more easier

Keep master hands identity a secrey


Have master hand who will be the new voice for Dark talk to in a white limbo (callback :) ) and

Get rid of darks memories of mallon but over time Dark starts remembering her and causes more conflict to the love square.

Have it so some humans have to take care of pokemon and everone in the mansion gets a device (that looks like different modern day phones) that has apps that allow them to do multiple things one being a translator that allows them to know what the animals are saying. also the humans have to let pokemon hang out with other pokemon (this will make it more easier for me to have characters interact with eachother)

Dark has Pikachu (helps the character of Dark Link to soften up)
Ike with Jigglypoof (to maken him be more calm in dire situation)
Zelda/shiek has greninja (to help her become of a better strategist when using stealth)
Marth and mewtwo (because it would be FU**ING! baddass!)
Toon Link with Charzard (so he can fly on it. seriously, Charzard is not as big as you thought look it up and for Charzard to lighten up and for toon link to be a bit more serious when fighting)
Robin With Lucario (Idk why I just thought it'd be good )
Yoshi n mario ('cause)


Dark Link & Robin
Marth & Robyn
Link n ike
Lucina n Zelda
Samus n toon link
Peach n ness
Roy n mario
Rosalina n olimar
Rob is a robot so it knows everything
D.K n diddy only appear in tornis cause there fucking monkeys/ apes (ur pick)
Sonic n pacman
Fox n falco
Duck hunt dog is a dog (a/n no comment)
Bowser n bowser jr.
Luigi n little mac
Captin falcon n Ganondorf (I didn't even realise the joke when thinking about who was going to be whose roommate)
Game & Watch n wario
Dark pit n kirby
King Dedede n meta knight
Shulk n Palutena
Pit n lucas
Villager n dark toon link
Wii fit trainer n megaman
Ryu Will be a surprise character

Have something implanted in the eyes with something in the that shows who there fighting and that persons percentage plus have other features like using there devices

Have pit and palataina and Dark pit remember each other because palataina needs to remember pit to let him fly and DArk pit because pit would probably accidentally tell him

Scenes that need to be in a chapter

"There we go" Robyn said taking the roasted beef out of the oven

"Marth mind helping me put all of the veg on everones plate"


I walk over to the veg and place around the same portion of veg onto all the plates. Then I headed back into the dinning room

"Robyn is almost ready to bring out the food" I say taking a seat

"Ok guys here's your food" she hands out the food then takes a seat

We all dig in and have small talk

"This is great Robyn, I haven't anything this good since before we came here" Dark said

"Realy! who cooked it?" Robyn said with a curious expression

"Oh it was...who was it again? Sorry my memory is blurred but I do remember the taste, Oh the taste is something I'll never forget."

"I wish you remember that person because I know how picky you are with your food"

"Yeah. sorry about that"

Scene finished


Have a funny dinner scene were if Dark n Zelda win torni this will be happening

Chef= Marth
Cook= Robyn
Zelda= a spy customer

Under there table is a walky talky so everyone in the kitchen can hear the conversation


Ike leant in and kissed me on my lips I couldn't move it was as if I was paralized but I felt nothing no tingling sensation or anything he took his lips off mine then I could see he was going to say something
But a voice coming down from the hallway cut him off
"Zelda! Zelda!! Were did u go! the gangs looking for you"

Ike began running off saying
"Got to go"
He ran around a corner leaveing me
"There you are. we were worried about u... whats up you look paralized" I look behind me to see Dark looking at me with a confused expression then he pats me on the head
"Ok lets find the others there probably worried sick by now."

End scene

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