The Truth

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Hello my friends nice seeing you again. Unlike previous chapters this one will be getting some mysterys solved. Enjoy


The Angel walked down the hall with the Goddess by his side and his dark counterpart next to her.

"So, the mansions being peaceful for the last few days now. Wonder if he's up to something." The Angel spoke

"Master hand told us not worry about him, if he does anything else we'll know" The goddess replied.

"Yeah but-!"

"Listen you featherless bird, the last time he attacked was when he shot that Dark guy in the shoulder. Ever since then he's been laying low, which could be good or bad. And speaking of Dark, what should we do?"

"What do you mean?" The angel asked his counterpart

"You idiot! Did you already forget?!"

"Forget what?" The angel asked making his counterpart facepalm

"My room. now." the counterpart said


"Ohh... now I remember!"

"You sure?"


"I'll say it one. last. time. Dark remembers his past but master hand believed everyone kept their memories when they were actually wiped. Luckily we didn't get them wiped for some reason, but Master hand believes that Dark may be a partner with Crazy Hand as he remembers and made him get shot with the arrow to make us think he isn't a part of it."

"Ok, I think I get it."



Hey, Marth I need to tell you something. Please come to the second floor and you'll see me. See you soon. XX - Robyn

Marth smiled and placed the note back down on the table. He grabbed his sword for protection, and left.


"So, Robyn where's your hood?" Zelda asked after sipping some tea.

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen it since the party." She replied before looking back at her book.

"Wonder what the boys are up to."

"Hey, Dark?" Robin said.


"How did you know about Master Hands name"


"It was Crazy Hand, wasn't it?"

"Yea, how did you know?"

"He told me everything. And he asked me to join him, and I accepted the offer. He also wants you to come." Dark looked at his feet, unable to process words.

But...why? He thought.

"Wait how come Master hand hasn't given everyone their memories back?" The Angel asked.

"His brother was the one who cast the, spell which means he's the only one who can undo it. Unfortunately for us, he's the enemy." The goddess explained.

"Where is she?" Marth thought. He must of been walking for at least an hour now, but still no luck. He roamed the halls and most of the rooms until finally seeing Robyn with her hood on. She was facing the opposite way so Marth couldn't see her face. He walked over to her
"Hey, Robyn!" He said. The girl turned around and unfortunately Marth didn't see white hair and brown eyes. Instead, he saw green eyes and green hair the stranger gripped the hood and flung it behind her, revealing two women in blue uniforms.

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