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Lucina's eyes opened and slowly she made her way to the kitchen and saw Zelda with a recently made cup of coffee

"Hi Zelda"

"Hi Lucy"

"Wished you would stop calling me that" Lucina said siting down "so why are you up so early"

"I just feel like something bads happened" Zelda said sipping on the coffee

Everyone please come to the main hall immediately

"I wonder whats happening" Lucina said getting up

"Lets find out"


Hello everyone I aquire your assistance

"Your... A HAND?!!" Everyone shouted


"But how?!" A ike said

"He's magic!" A red haired boy said leaping on to Ikes back making Ike grab him and throw him to the ground "ow"

Anyway I've called you all here for a reason. You see several smashers have gone missing... I do have footage before they went, unfortunately I only had time to see one.

"Footage?" Link said

Yes those huds I added to your eyes also record what you're seeing including the audio. Now I decided I would watch them with you all so you'd have a good idea of what's going on

Then a giant screen appeared and then the screen said


Yesterday 2:15

"Huh wheres Robyn" The voice of marth said looking in the living room . He entered the kitchen and saw a note

Hey marth I need to tell you something please come to the second floor and you'll see me. See you soon XX - Robyn

He grabbed his sword and left the room

Yesterday 4:15

The person wearing Robyns hood knocked out Marth

Yesterday 6:45

Marths eyes opened the footage is hard to see but it looks like he's being dragged into the woods before going unconscious again


Dark Link

Yesterday  3:27

Dark entered the training room with Robin behind him

Yesterday 4:30

Unaunable to render

Dark pit

Yesterday 3:25

Super Smash Mansion [Official Prequel To Into The Smash World]Where stories live. Discover now