The Discovery

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Dark woke up finding himself asleep on the roof of the mansion, he found himself with a blanket wrapped around him and... Zelda lying against his chest, he slowly removed her from his chest giving him a sense of deja vu he got up and looked around on the flat roof and saw Marth siting down on the edge of the roof admiring the view. Marth turned hearing Darks footstep

"Hey Dark get some good sleep" he said winking as he finished

"Uhh...yeah...whats with me and Zelda sleeping in one blanket?"

"Oh well...after the date between the two love birds you and Zelda passed out on the roof and we couldn't get you down so I grabbed a blanket and placed it on the two of you then I've come back to see if you were ok"

Dark sat next to Marth and looked at there surroundings. the view was beautiful with the green grass below and a forest a few feet away and the sky was bright blue.

The next day

Welcome one and all to the first 1 V 1 tornement

Everyone proceeded to head to the board however Dark got a message on his device

I need to speak with you. head to the forest, there you shall find a opening , I'll be waiting - czray hand

it was from the same person named yzarc but he changed his name. Dark went to the forest as curiosity had got the better of him

Where are you going the voice said as Dark was at the border to the forest

"I forfit and were im going is none of your concern"


The conection between the two was broken as Dark had stepped into the forest


he went for miles upon miles and miles till reaching the opening the message spoke of. Night had came not to long ago and Dark was out of breath then balls of darkness came out of the floor and formed into several strange creatures ( a/n if youve played the story mode for super smash bros brawl you'll know what they look like) they all slowly walked to Dark as if they were reanimated corpses, Dark drew his sword and dashed to several of them and slash sideways causing there body's to get clean guts in the chest but no blood came out only they vanished turning back into balls and into the earth. He hit more and more and more and eventually they were defeated then he saw a giant white hand hovering in the air

"Congratulations you defeated some of my minions" The hand said making Dark take a step back surprised it could speak "The names Crazy Hand, I'm the one that asked you to meet me here"

"Whats with the..." Dark said pointing out the hands appearance

"It's a long story"

"What did you want me for"

"Well my brother wants the land to be in pure harmony, where as I want there to be some chaos"

"Why should I help a person who wants chaos"

"Ha. 00Lets be honest my friend we all deep down want a bit of chaos, so why not speed it up a little. So mind giving me a helping hand"

"Ha. Ha. No" Dark turned back into the direction he came from

"Fine have it your way but know... we'll see eachother quicker than you know it. By the way my brother is called master hand (it's like he's trying to blurt out the obvious)"

"Oh and whats that?"

"He's saying that he's the master of the puppet show, the master mind behind it all, the secret hero that had the intire thing set up, a person I long to defeat and I slowly am"

"Huh? What do you mean by that" Dark questioned

"You think your the only one I bought here, oh no there's others and as we speak some who were from the same land as some of the fighters in your mansion have joined a secret mansion I've made and even some in your mansion are going to come to mine once it's all planned. Anyway I'll see you soon" The giant hand vanished and Dark headed back to the mansion going over what had just happened


The party was loud like the one before, Dark looked for the group and found Robyn and Marth dancing! The two looked so fluent together as if they was in a deep love. Robin was sitting on a table with Lucina next to him having small talk and Zelda was dancing Dark felt anger and jealousy in his body but tried to keep calm, he walked over to Robin and Lucina and sat down

"Hey guys" Dark said

"Where have you been?! That voice thingy said you forfeited we were going to find you but it said there was no point so we didn't bother" Robin said

Master of the puppet show ringed in Darks ear he tried to ignore it but he couldn't

"Well I found out that this voice guy is called Master hand" when Dark said this Robin looked frozen for a second before acting like his regular self

"Ok I'll remember that" Lucina said

"So... who won the tornement" Dark asked

"His name's-" Robin was interrupted

"You're back!" Zelda said hugging Dark

"Nice to see you two, Zel"


The moon shined brightly above the mansion and from a distance two green eyes emerged out of the pitch black forest , the figures light brown boots trudged into the muddy ground with the black ribbons on the boots swaying from the wind, the long green hair of the figure became visible, their light blue dress blew left and right and her silver blade rested in her shiny silver scabbard...

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