Forgetting a loved one.

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Darks pov






A light appears under me I look at it and then feel hazy then I feel this light consume my body and then I feel as if my body his floating through the clouds then I was in a while Limbo

Hello Dark

"Who.who are you. You ain't voice."

You're quite smart. Well. your new voice however I don't speak in rhyme. In fact I own the mansion your being transported to.

"Ok, how are you in my head"

I'm more than rich you know. im also quiet strong magic wise all I had to do his cut off the connection between you and the other voice and poof. I took his place.

"Why, why me of all people in the mansion why are you having this conversation with me"

I want to make a deal with you.

"What kind of deal?"

I will let you still remember link, zelda and Ganondorf and also give you information about the other people in the mansion plus give you good rankings if you choose to forget the thing you hold dear

"The thing I hold dear?"

Yes, I help you and you forget about the thing you love so much

"And whats that"

I think we both know that, dont we?

Dark sighed and got something out his front pocket, a locket.

Flash back

"Hey Dark!" Mallon shouted to Dark, who was cleaning the horses.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to give you this" Mallon gave Dark a locket. Dark held it in his hand

"A locket? why are you giving me this?"

"Well *mallon blushes* when my mom was still alive she gave it me on her death bed and said to me : "when you get older I want you to give this locket to someone you love with all of your heart" and so-"

Mallon was cut of by Dark kissing her on the cheek making her face turn bright red

"I love you two"

Mallon's eyes widened and hugged Dark, crying tears of joy

End of flashback

Dark looked at the locket letting a few tears drip down his face onto the locket

" Asshole" Dark said calmly.

a few more tears hit the locket before he continued

" have a deal" Dark said breathing heavily trying to stop his tears.

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