The Tornement (The first of many)

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Today is the day of many, the day of the first tornement! We need to go to the training grounds or else we can't get in!

Darks pov

"Dark tournament, today , bet, hurry, now!" Zelda yelled at me grabbing my feet and yanking me off the top bunk and making me fall to the ground
"Ooh sorry"

"Felt worse" I say getting up "where's Robin and everyone else"

"They ditched us, because YOU where taking to long to get up"

"I couldn't have been that bad"

" 'that bad'! Robin shot at least 50 electric balls at you and you didn't move an inch! I'm surprised you got up!"

"Geez relax, where do we need to go" I say rubbing the back of my neck

"The training grounds"


"The place that had all of the sport activities! They made it into multiple battle grounds for the tournament"

"Okay then, take my hand m'lady" I say acting all posh and prince like. Zel held my hand and I felt my cheeks heating up what the- why am I so hot is there a volcano in here then I teleported myself and miss high and mighty to the training grounds to see it was completely different we walked over to the spectator grounds and saw the gang waving at us so we made are way to them
"Hey guys hurry see who's fighting who in Round 1 of the tournament" Lucina said pointing to a Giant machine with a board next to it
Pittwo & pit
Game n watch & wario
Lucas & villager
Shulk & Palutena
Peach & Roy
Fox & Sonic
Toon link & ness
Rosalina & Samus.
Mario & olimar
Kirby & lucas
King Dedede & luigi
Robin & Lucina
Dark Link & Zelda
D.K. & Diddy Kong
Bowser & Bowser jr
Mega man & R.o.b
Falco & captain falcon
Robyn & Marth
Duck hunt & pacman
Link & ike
Little mac &
Dark toon
meta night
Meta night
Wii fit trainer

"Whats with the last one?" I ask
"Oh there was an odd number so they made it a free for all ,the 1st and 2nd place of the matches will team up and go through the rest of the tornement" Lucina explained

"You'd think they'd get an even number of people" I said smirking

"Apparently there's going to be a new fighters coming soon to even the number" Zelda said

"Well I guess we should get ready for are matches" Marth said "come on Robyn" then the two walked

"Well...Guess we'll be off." Lucina said then the two began walking off "enjoy your date!" Robin added

"Lets go" I say, then me and Zelda walk over to are assigned battle ground and here the voice

Ok everyone the Round one matches will begin in five minutes please press the button next to your assigned battle area and wait until the match begins

I see two buttons, on to the opposite of us and one In Front of us , I press it only to see a flash of white then I look around to see I'm on some kind of battle arena but there was no opponents and no allies. I sit down and close my eyes and wait five minutes

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