A secret told

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Zelda's PoV

I woke up of the sound of lucina repeating my name


"Wwwwhhhhhaaaaat" I mound

"We need to go, everyone's heading back to the great hall to learn more about those strange devices we've got"

"ffiinne" I sat up from the bottom bunk and left my room with lucina next to me and that frog thing behind me oh why did he make me have it.

"So Zel what do you think about the boys here"

"I don't follow"

"I mean who do you think is the hottest boy here"

I thought about the boys I saw yesterday, there was that hunk named Ike, his roommate who I managed to see for a brief second, he looked like that other boy Dark I think I guess he was kind of a bad boy in a way and I did see that Robin guy as well he looked handsome

"I don't know there all cute I guess"

"Well when you went to sleep last night I found paper and a feather pen and I made a list of all the cute boys I've seen"

Lucina gave me a list of 4 boys ranking down

4. Link
3. Dark
2. Ike
1. Robin

"Who's Link?"

"Ikes roommate"

"Wait how come Ike's second I thought for sure you would pick him to be number 1 for sure"

"Yeah but that Robin guy looks so cute"

"Whatever you say"

I look behind us and notice Robin and Dark walking together, chatting about something. I poke Lucina and point behind us

"Speaking of a Robin. Don't mind me but I'm going to show this list to him"

"Zelda don't you-"

I start running straight over to Robin and Dark I look behind me to see Lucina hot on my tail, then just before reaching them I feel someone tackle me and the paper fell out of my hand and we both land right next to Dark and Robin.

"You two ok" I voice says I look up to see that Dark is holding out his hand to me

"Lets get you up" he says I grab his hand and he hoisted me up back up to my feet. I look behind me to see Robin helping up Lucina and I notice a small blush on Lucinas face oh how romantic

Dark looks behind him to see the paper that I dropped oh no he's going to think I wrote it he picks it up and I see him smirk then he folds the paper and gives it to Lucina how did he know it was hers! I noticed him whisper something in Lucinas ear and it made her smile

"Well thank you both for helping us up" Lucina said

"No problem, now how about we all head to the great hall. I really need to find out what contacts is" Dark said and with that the four of us made are way to the main hall doing small talk but then everything became a mystery when I asked Dark

"So Dark how come you look and Link look alike"

"We're twin brothers"

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