Training in sesaion

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So what do you think so far? As you can see I've had very long chapters with this series and that is because of two things 1. I like do say an entire day's events and 2. I feel more dedicated to this then a Heros shadow and there's 3 more books to write for that geez why did I make my life so hard. Anyway who do you think are the mysterious trio? And why did HE let them keep there memories? See I already know cause I'm the author so yeah...enjoy guessing
Robins PoV

I wake up,as usual, and get out of bed and see that Darks not on his top bunk. As I enter the kitchen I see a folded note, I pick it up and read it

Hey Robin thought I'd let you rest. Don't think I didn't see you last night, you really want to charge that electric ball don't you. well at least it turned red the last time you did it. Anyway Robyn left you a ham sandwich in the fridge (she knows you like it ;) ) and we went to train. look for use on the mini map. btw Me and Zelda left pikachu and greninja with you, mind training with them? Thanks!
from Dark
ps I think Lucina likes you ;) ;)
Pps you really have to leave the room more you've either been going to the main hall to listen to voice or being looking in that book of yours.

I smiled at the comments he left and placed the note back on the table and then I looked back in the bedroom to see pikachu, lucario and greninja sitting next to the door. I sighed and went into the fridge and saw my ham sandwich and some poke food (yes poke food) I grabbed them both and put my sandwich on the table and got a can opener and put the poke food into a cat bowl and some water into another cat bowl and placed them on the bedroom floor for the Pokemon to eat it, then I went into the kitchen again and saw a small card thing under my sandwich I picked it up and looked at it

Lucinas number: <insert fake number here>
From Zel (don't tell Lucy)

Lucy? Oh Lucina! I guess that's her number for her device ok just put that in my pocket and lets dig in


After eating I went back into the bedroom to see the three Pokemon had eat all the food and water. Pikachu runs up onto my shoulder like he does with Dark and signals the other two to follow me. So I leave my room in search for the training area. While walking around the mansion I come across a guy with black hair and black wings it was if he was an angel that turned evil.
He's the only person around I might as well ask him

"Excuse me,do you mind telling me were I can find the training area?" I asked him. He looked over to me and scanned me before replying
"Head left then turn to your second right and you should be in a massive sport place outside and then stick to the wall outside until you see a door called training room enter it and you should be there"

"Thanks, I appreciate the help" I said running off, heading in the direction he told me to go


After 10 minutes of walking I finely made it to the training room, I entered to see a few rooms in one I saw Zelda and Marth fighting in a other I saw Dark and Robyn fighting (obviously they wanted to fight people very similar to me and Lucina) I entered the third room to see Lucina sitting on the stand bored out of her mind

"Hey Lucy!" I shouted to her making her snap out of dream land

"Hey Rob!" she shouted back

Rob seriously

"I see your using my new nickname that Zelda's calling me" she said making her way to me

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