Broken wings

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Master and the smashers rushed back to the mansion as Pit required his power of flight for something important and begged Palutena to make them return and as this happened everyone gained back their memories causing them to be screaming for several minutes.

They quickly returned only to see the mansion in flames with screaming coming from the forest they hurried to the screaming and saw Pit laying on the ground one of his wings snapped and dangling off the bone that still connected it to his body. He screamed in pure pain as the shock had faded away and everyone else that was left at the mansion were knocked out with a few missing


"The plan was a success, master" Dark said kneeling down his cloak covering his sinister smile that still remained after seeing all the choas that took place at the place he long called home

Good work, now rest up you need to save energy

"Thank you, master" Dark rose and made his way to his chamber and got on to his bed and rested with the grin still on his face


The smashers stood (except Pit) confused memories spinning in there heads, mostly confused. And slowly there memories of eachother began returning and it would be have been a happy reunion with friends if they wasn't in this situation

"Oh Ike now remember you pal we were friends" Roy said cheerfully making Ike sighed

"You're more annoying then before" Ike responded in an annoyed tone

"So what do we do now" Lucina asked

We need to evacuate theres a clearing past a mountain to the east we shall head there

"What about the angel" Link said looking at the angel who was still unconscious. Palutena's eyes suddenly became wide

"I know a way to heal the underworld there's something called the rewind spring...if someone travels to the underworld and gets to the rewind spring I can summon Pit next to them and they could the spring to heal him. However I need someone to go to the underworld and get to the rewind spring-" she was about to continue until someone interrupted her

"I'll go"

Super Smash Mansion [Official Prequel To Into The Smash World]Where stories live. Discover now