Darkness brings flames

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Since we found Palutena and Pit we've all been told about Master hand and Crazy hand. Master and Crazy made this mansion to unite all of the best fighters in one location so they could team up and defeat any threat that would appear however it backfired and Crazy hand found something out about all of us...we're video game characters and he became a corrupted 'file' he decided to make a new path by creating chaos in the land to make the players see that we're re real however he did this by unbalancing the world and now we're here. Pit and his goddess said that they and Dark and DarkPit remember there old friends in the mansion but Crazy hand was the one who had taken them away. And now Master hand and several others in the mansion are heading out to get more recruits so we can defeat this crazy hand, he warned us that the further away he gets to the mansion the more vulnerable it gets so we're staying alert.


We got closer and closer to the mansion, are huds taken away and destroyed by crazy hand so we can't be detected, and we went to the back and through mine and Robins room as no one was there and snuck are way into master hands office that Crazy hand told us about and we saw hidden cameras showing us where everyone. I pressed a red button that they used to talk to everyone in there heads


Hello, hello everyone lets get down to business, all that are joining crazy hands mansion, you know the plan

"D- Dark?"

Indeed I am, pretty princess now how about...everyone RUN!!


Zelda's PoV
Darks here?

"D- Dark?"

Indeed I am, pretty princess

He's back!

W-whys Dark telling Crazy hands-






"Are you crazy?! Now everyone knows we're here" Marth said, his corruption wasn't a complete success

"Relax they don't know that we're going north" Dark said then it hit him...his finger was still held on the red button "dammit" I murmured my eyes fixated on the button then I glanced at Marth removing my finger from the button "let's stick to the plan" I said and the two of us headed north to the forest catching up to most of the people coming to crazy mansion with some of master hands 'minions' pursuing us

Time to use the distraction the voice of Crazy hand said in my mind

I turned around clicked my fingers and all of Carzy hands people had there huds gone and then using the magic given to me by Crazy hand I sent a high pitch frequency through the hoods which made the 'minions' eyes go blurry making all of them fall to their knees except one

He had tremendous speed as he ran it was if he was flying then as he got nearer I saw it a blue arrow soaring at me I quickly ducked however the arrow moved downwards making it strike my shoulder but it didn't make a hole but I still felt the pain then I saw it Black feathers in the sky


Viridei. Must. Keep. Her. Safe

I flew down and hit Pits wings with the sharp blade and I heard his wing snap I looked behind me and saw him fall to the ground his bone dangling on his body

"W-Why" Pit said silently but still loud enough for Dark Pit to hear

"I- I'm sorry...they have Viridei" Dark pit said silently then Pit passed out from the pain. Dark pit looked at Dark with anger filling his eyes then he gritted his teeth "lets go"

"Wait there's a few things left" Dark clicked his finger and everyone in master mansion started screaming and gripping onto there heads as Dark had just given them back all there memories and unlike removing memories placing them back in hurt a lot more and then he clicked his fingers once more and flames covered the mansion and then he began to run away with Dark pit behind him...

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