A victory not spent (sort of)

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"Get up...GET UP...GET UP!"

I open my eyes to see Zelda crouching down looking at me with concerned look in her eyes while others surrounded us

"Wh- what...happened" I asked while trying to lift up only to feel a sharp pain in my shoulder making me lye back down
"Don't you'll just make it worse!" Zelda said
I look to my shoulder to see a arrow in it
"Great just great" I said

"Is he ok" said a female voice, I looked to see a girl with green hair and a staff coming to me "here I have healing magic, but someone's got to pull that out first" she said referring to the arrow
"I'll do it" I said then I grabbed the arrow and yanked the arrow of my shoulder causing me to scream in pure pain Causing a few people to gasp at the sight. Then I look at my shoulder to see blood coming out
"Ok just give me a second" the girl said then her staff glowed and then I saw my bone reforming and then my skin. I sat up

"Don't mention it, my names palataina it's nice meeting you"

"Well thank you palata-" then everything went black


"Come on let's take him back to his room"

"My magic isn't that strong so the wound might come back I'd suggest putting some bandages on him"
"Well,well, well do you think he'll tell us how he remembers his past"
Please don't die on me, I... I love yo-"
I felt my eyes get stronger then I finally opened them to see I was on Robins bed I lifted up and saw Zelda's face on the bed with her body on a chair and she was fast asleep, I looked around to see Robyn, Lucina, Marth and Robin sitting at the table clenching onto tea cups. I tried getting up but shot back down when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder but it didn't feel as sharp as before, I looked at my shoulder and saw my tunic wasn't on me and instead a white bandage was all over my shoulder wrapping around my chest
"I think he's up" Robin said getting up from his seat and walked up to me
"Good to see you buddy, how's the shoulder" Robin asked causing Robyn, Lucina and Marth to quickly get out of there seats and rushing over to me
"Are you alright Dark" Marth asked
"Well for being shot by a arrow in the shoulder...yeah I'm alright" I said causing Lucina to chuckle "why's Zelda sleeping next to me" I asked

"After we and a few others put you in bed she sat by you and never left your side, she hasn't eat anything since" Robin explained
"I think she likes you" Lucina commented
"I think you should ask her out" Robyn suggested
"You think?" I said looking at Zelda
"Yeah!but first we need to celebrate!" Robin said
"Celebrate?" I said confused
"Yeah, apparently there's a party in the main hall to celebrate you winning the tournament"
"Ok let's g-" I said only to be stopped by a sharp pain in my shoulder
"Here I think one of these books has a healing spell in them though I don't think it'll be as strong as that green haired girls, but it should do the trick" Robyn said scanning through her books before finally beginning healing my shoulder. I move it around and I feel no pain
"Ok lets go" I said trying to get up only for Zelda to wake
"DARK!" She screamed and hugged me (it was a very tight hug)
"Ow...nice to s-see you two Zelda" I said trying not to scream in pain
"There in love" Lucina whispered to Robin

"Well now shall we go to this party" Robyn said

"Yeah lets go" I said getting myself up and put my tunic back on but leaving my hat off then we all went to the main hall and was greeted with cheers as we entered. We sat down at a table and toasted to the victory. That night was good and bad (in a way) the good was partying even when you get healed after getting shot in the shoulder you still can dance but one dance was special...

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