Newt 2

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I jumped into the box that had once sent me up into the glade, the heart of the shucking maze. This box still gives me nightmares though it's been around a year and a half now.

The girl's wide brown eyes, flecked with gold, never left me as I handed the rope to Minho and jump down into the box. I land right at her feet, and stood up straightening out my shirt and brushing off the dust. Our eyes lock when I finally look at her.

After a while, I clear my throat,
'What your name?'
She looked up at me, then she looks up at the gladers. I tilt my head up and shout at them,
'What are you bloody looking at? You're scaring her! Go back to your bloody jobs before I throw you into the slammer!'
The gladers slowly disperse.

I turn back to the girl. She's curled herself into a ball, it made her look so defenceless, so small, so vulnerable. Her small hands were wrapped around her legs, pulling them into her chest. Her long honey coloured hair acted like a curtain, shielding half of her face.

I resisted the urge to reach out and pull back the curtain and asked again,
'What's your name?'
'My, my name is Jane,' she squeaks. Jane.
I took a deep breath before giving my usual speech.
'My name is Newt. I know you must have a lot of questions but please, just save them until I've covered everything.

You're a glader now, you live here with us in the glade. Nobody knows why we're here, and nobody remembers anything except for their names, so don't freak out, okay?
The people that sent you up here, we call them the creators.
Right now, there's still a lot to explain, but you must be really scared and in shock so we'll give you the tour tomorrow and let you rest. But there are a few rules you need to follow:
1. Never go out of the walls into the maze unless your a runner.
2. Don't pick fights with any of the other gladers.
3. You do your part in the glade, once you are given your job, you don't complain or whine or anything like that.

If you have any questions or need anything. Just ask me or Alby. Got that?'
She nods.
'Good that,' I say as I extend my hand to help her stand. She hesitates, but then decides to trust me. Her hand is soft and warm in mine. She smiles.
'You have funny vocabulary.'
I laugh, 'You'll get used to it.'
Her pink lips parted wider, showing slightly crooked teeth and her eyes practically glowed. I had to admit, she looked really pretty when she smiled.

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