Jane 36

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Newt and the boys he had taken with him have been gone for awhile. Alby, the greenie and the keepers have been gone longer. The runners are back now, a huge commotion had started ever since they had come back. Runners, especially Minho, were refusing orders, arguing with the remaining keepers who had been put in charge. They all wanted to go back in the maze, to find them. But the remaining keepers had been put under strict orders by both Alby and Newt, that no one else could pass through those entrances into the maze.

The sun was starting to set, they still hadn't come back, all I could do was stand and watch helplessly at the empty ivy covered path. It wasn't enough. Minho was extra pissed. I knew how he felt, we couldn't stand so helplessly at the sidelines, waiting, not even watching to see what happened. We couldn't wait like this, for the sun to set and the doors to close, and if they did, we couldn't be able to live with ourselves AND it would kill us, never knowing what really happened to them. We needed in.

Once again, the same plan had been draw out the way it had with Pete. Swat teams were divided, everyone had a part to fill: cooks, med-jacks, builders, helping set up temporary tents in case they needed to stay outside for the night. It was like a market place being set up right there in front of that entrance, except the yells that were yelled were yells you wouldn't normally yell at a market place.

It was quite in the maze, not in the glade, but in the maze.

Everything was set up in a few minutes, food, stretchers, med-jacks, everything. Everything we could do was done, now we had to wait, once again.

And then it happened, a scream that rang loud and clear, piercing through the glade. We waited another came, one after another before they were blending together. I couldn't handle it, Minho couldn't handle it. Newt would never forgive us if one of us got hurt, but that didn't matter. He wouldn't understand. We might be safe and sound back here, but we were going through our own agony, the agony of waiting for him to come back to us, the agony of just staring hopelessly at an ivy covered path, wishing, hoping, praying, that he would appear before us.

We couldn't handle it, we ran.

There was no stopping Minho and I as soon as we took our first steps, it was bound to happen, it had to happen. Together we ran. The boys did what they could, tried blocking us, tried to keep us in the glade, but we were like lightning and thunder. Together we somehow managed to pass the entrance into the maze, and we all knew that once we stepped over no one would come after us.

The maze was like nothing I had ever seen before, well I had seen really, I'd been staring at the maze the whole time I'd been at the glade. The maze was basically that, tall, ivy covered walls. Turning ever few metres, and that was it. It felt like forever. The sounds echoed through the maze, blurring, echoing, overlapping one another. They filled my head until, they were all I could here, there were so many, so many screams inside and outside my head. The screams were here, they were there, they came until I wasn't even sure if they were still screaming or if they were inside my head.

Minho ran, he ran and ran and ran, following the sounds of the screams. I followed, or tried to. There hasn't been a time, in my memory, where had to run like this. I was puffing hard and tasting blood. It was hard to breathe, the screams kept going, the walls felt like they were closing in on me.

We ran and ran and ran until we rounded a corner. I wasn't even sure what was happening really. A few of them were injured, slumped against the wall, one of the was unconscious. Some of them were still up and fighting, trying to get past them, the grievers. The grievers were unlike anything I'd ever seen. They were huge, ridiculously scary. Monsters, half animal, half robot monsters with mouths dripping of some sort of slime. Dozens of teeth, rows and rows of them, whirling around and around and around. Legs shot out of its body, along with stick like arms, some with needles on the ends, others with hands like claws.

They were injured, the gladers, one way or another they were all injured. The grievers moved along with the standing gladers, shouting and yelling at each other. Minho rushed to help. I rushed to the slumped gladers, check on all of them, thankful that I was a med-jack, that I could at least help with something. I checked on all of them, doing everything I could, which wasn't much since I didn't have any supplies with me. I checked on all their injuries, there were gashes and bruises and wounds. I did what I could, using the material of their shirts to try and stop the bleeding. There was not much else I could do.

Grievers, two of them, blocking the keepers and and runners from getting to the other side, they were blocking something. Everything was a blur, I craned my neck to see what they were trying to get to. They were trying to get to the greenie, Gally. He
At flat on the ground, his clothes, ripped and shredded. He was too far for me to see clearly, but what scared me was that he was unmoving. He wasn't moving at all. Was he dead?

I couldn't tell.  

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