Newt 10

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I sat on a table in the homestead, with the other runners, facing Jane. I couldn't take my eyes off her and the shanks that were crowding around her. The other runners, all made jokes or told stories the way they always did. I missed sitting outside, on the grass, watching the sun.

My plate had already been cleared, but as always, my stomach wasn't even half full. I watched as the line finally got shorter, not longer. I watched Jane pass out the last plate to the last glader that wasn't working. I watched as she disappeared into the kitchen.

She walks back out with Frypan. She's laughing at some comment he'd made, which wasn't uncommon since Frypan was really funny and comfortable to be around. They're both holding plates with food. They set the plates on a random table with spare seats and start eating. She looks over at me, and it's like she's put me under a spell, my eyes would not move and I could not think about anything other that her laugh and her smile. Then she looks away and continues talking to Frypan.


The maze. Tall, stone walls, every corner I turned, no way out. The grievers were coming. I could here the horrible sounds they always made, coming closer and closer. I ran faster, my feet flying off the ground, sweat beading my forehead, arms moving so fast I couldn't feel them. I turned another corner. No. The cliff. The bloody cliff.

I turn around, but the griever's already there. The horrible monster. Around the size of a cow. It's ugly face screwed up. Needles out. I watch in horror as the griever advances towards me, closer and closer.
'No, no, please.'
My whole body started shaking as I stepped back, and it stepped closer. My body, I had no control over it. It shook violently, I couldn't stop.
And then it reached out, and said my name, 'Newt!' it's voice was soft and musical, sharp and sweet.

'Newt, it's okay,' I realise my eyes were squeezed shut, and open them hesitantly. She appeared out of nowhere, in front of me. Her hair was tied up, strands escaping. Her usually chocolate and honey eyes were dark due to the lack of light. Her eyes were wide, frightened with shock. Her small warm hands were on my shoulders, shaking me. They moved to my face, cupping each of my cheeks.

Sweat covered every part of my body, and I realised that it had just been a dream. A bloody shucking nightmare. I gasp and take in deep breaths, remembering how to breath. Concern was written all over her face, her eyebrows knitted, and her small fingers sending warmth through my body.
'Newt,' she says softly.
'Did I wake you?'
'Oh, um, you were yelling.'
'Sorry, just the bloody nightmares.' She smiles at my statement and helps me sit up, my back resting against the bed.
'You know a lot of the boys scream sometimes too. How do you all manage to sleep?'
'You get used to it, we all get nightmares. Mostly about the bloody box, but those who've seen the maze and grievers always have the worst. Sometimes, it's the person next door that wakes up screaming. Sometimes it's yourself, waking up thinking that you've died and that you're in hell.'
'That's awful,' she grimaces.
'Yeah, yeah it is.'

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