Jane 4

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After Newt leaves, I sit on the bed and just stare at the wall for a few minutes, trying to register everything that's just happened. Newt said everyone comes up the box like that. He said nobody remembers anything about there past. He said the people that sent us here were called the creators. He seemed to really hate the creators.

But why? Why did they send us here? Why can't we remember anything?

My stomach growls. I hadn't realised I was hungry. I grab the chicken sandwich and devour it in 10 seconds flat, nothing in all of human existence ever tasted so good.


I wake to someone whispering my name. I open my eyes to see a small boy, probably one of the youngest. He had curly brown hair and a deep scarlet coloured blush ran across his chubby cheeks.
'Alby told me to wake you.'
'Oh, thanks.'

I follow the brown haired boy down the stairs.
'I'm Jane,' I say, trying to break the silence between us.
He smiles, 'I know, everyone's been talking non stop about you. They're all probably thinking of hitting on you.'
Blood rushes up my neck, to my cheeks. 'Are you?'
He chuckles, 'Sorry to break it to you, but you're too old for me.'
'How old do I look,' I ask as realise I don't know my own age. He looks me up and down for a moment. I was certainly taller than him, he only reached my chest.
'I think you might be sixteen maybe.'
'I'm Dan,' he says extending his hand to me. I take it and shake it lightly.

Outside the homestead I finally meet Alby. Alby was a tall dark skinned boy who absolutely radiated power. Wherever we passed, no one slacked off and immediately did their jobs. When asked to do something by Alby, you do it.

Alby took me to the the centre of the glade and showed me the metal box that I was sent here in.
'This is the box, we get new supplies here every week and a new greenie every month. Greenie, is what we call the new comers, so you're our new greenie. So far, you're the only girl that's ever been sent up, but don't think that makes you special. You're still gonna do your part in the glade and not complain got it?' I nodded.

Alby points to a corner that was covered with people digging, picking out weeds in the vegetable patch, and picking fruits. 'Over there are the gardens and vegetable patches, that's where the track-hoes work. The med-jacks, our doctors, work normally in the homestead mostly and on the side of the homestead are the toilets and showers.'
He stops suddenly, and looks me up and down.
'We might have a problem with that,' he mutters under his breath.
'Over there is the blood house, we kill all our live stock in there. So unless you love blood and have a personal grudge against animals, you don't want a job as a slicer. And over there, where the tall trees are, is where the deadheads are. We bury the dead there.'

Bury the dead? There wasn't anyone here over 18 at least. I haven't paid much attention to anyone, but they all seemed pretty young.

'Over there,' Alby pointed to concrete building with an iron door, 'that's the map room. The runners go in there after a day in the maze and map the route they took in the maze each day. We examine the maps, and try to find a way out.' I could tell, from the tone of his voice, there was pain and defeat. They obviously hadn't found a way out.

Alby leads me over to the closest entrance to the maze.
'In there's the maze, what you have to understand is that nobody goes in there unless you're a runner got it?' I nodded. 'Every night the walls in the maze change, making a different route each day. The walls close each night, keeping us safe from the monsters out there. You probably wouldn't have seen them last night since that shank sent you to bed so early yesterday.' It took me a moment to realise he was talking about Newt.
'You'll see them tonight.'

Then Alby did something I hadn't seen him do before, he smiled. It was more of a smirk or snicker really.
'What?' I ask, not bothering to bite back the surprise and confusion in my voice.
'You seem to be taking a lot of this pretty smoothly, I guess that's apparently because girls are always calmer and smarter. You should see some of the other shanks when they first came, nightmares. Ten million questions. Some went into hysterics, others tried to run into the maze.' Alby smiled a wide smile, and his eyes seemed to lighten. It looked like he was having a good time remembering old memories.

Hello. It's been a while and to any new comers, welcome and I'm sorry this story is really cringey and has plot holes and stuff. Never really acknowledged this and there's been plenty of comments that I have replied to be here it is: DAN IS NOT CHUCK. I am sorry he seemed like chuck I honestly did not think of chuck when I wrote this because I knew it would be before Thomas and chuck came before Thomas. I imagined a different face when I was writing Dan and Dan has brown hair so yeah. Thanks for reading this far :)

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