Jane 6

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I replay the events that had just happened in my mind again and again as the cool water hits my body repeatedly. I could see through the curtain, Newt's tall silhouette leaning against the wall. My face flushed. I was glad that the water was cold, it helped cool my face as I stuck my head under the shower head.

I turn the water off and get dressed quickly. Wearing a thin shirt too big for me and long pants that were too long. I reached down and fold the pants up. There was nothing else Alby could find so I was stuck with clothes that didn't fit me properly since I was the only girl. I hope they would send some clothes for me the next time the metal box opens.

I take the jumper off the hook and debate for minute whether I should wear it or not. When I finally decide not to, I pull the curtain back. Newt stood in front of me, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful, I thought he was sleeping. He did look really tired.

I tap him lightly on the shoulder and immediately his eyes flare open. I jump back startled. His eyes flicker over me, my damp hair, the thin shirt that was making me shiver from the cold, the long pants that were rolled up. Then his eyes land on his jumper in my hand. I stretch out my hand with the jumper and hand it to him.
'Wear it,' it wasn't a polite suggestion, more of a command.
'But it's cold outside.'
'What about you?' He frowns.
'I'm fine, I'm not cold.' I eye him suspiciously and he sighs, then grins at me. 'Just wear it will you?'
I pull the jumper over my head. The fabric warm and cozy. It was nice and soft, and smelt like him, like the bed I'd slept in last night. Sweet, yet bitter, and a faint scent of sweat that was washed repeatedly, but never fully washed out.
'Thanks,' I whisper. I keep my eyes on the plain tiles.
Newt lets out a chuckle, it sounded like jingle bells, at Christmas.
'Your welcome. Next time, don't shower unless I'm around,' then he pauses and his cheeks turn a faint pink. 'That came out wrong.'
I laugh, which only makes the colour turn faintly deeper.
'Come on, let's go get some food,' he says.

As we walk out of the showers, I could feel everyone's eyes on us. Newt seems to notice, though he doesn't seem affected. I shrink a little as I keep walking with Newt, turning my head to see them still staring. Newt notices me looking and does something I don't expect, he snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him.
'Shh, don't do anything and just keep smiling. They won't do anything to you from now on if they think you're mine.' Then he groans again. 'That came out wrong.'

I can practically feel myself bubbling inside, as I laugh again. Then I summon up all my courage, just for show I told myself, standing up on my tippy toes and give him a light peck on the cheek, then I bounce into the homestead, into the kitchen and join the line behind the counter. Newt shuffles in through the door and steps in behind me, running his hand through his blonde hair, his face the same faint pink.

I move up as the line gets shorter in front of me, and longer behind me. I smile, as a boy with dark skin, and eyes the colour of chocolate hands me a plate of potatoes, carrots, peas and meat.
'Hey, you're our new greenie, aren't you?' He asks as he scans me, people have been doing that a lot lately.
'You can tell?' I ask. He laughs and I laugh along with him. I move aside for Newt who also receives a plate of the exact same food, except his seems to have a little bit more of everything.
'I'm Frypan, nice to meet you.'
'I'm Jane, though from what I've heard, I think you already know that,' Frypan laughs again. He had a nice deep laugh.

We exchange goodbyes and I walk out of the homestead with Newt. The sky was painted, soft, but vibrant colours, pink, orange, red and purple, with a big bright yellow egg yolk slowly descending the sky. We find a nice place to sit cross legged on the green grass and eat our food slowly, not talking. He knew to keep a distance from me, we sat facing the wall, watching the sun, with our knees a few centimetres apart.

I wasn't really hungry after that incident and the fact that I'd only been here for a day and a half, and two boys had already seen me naked. I suddenly have a vision of mashed potatoes. I mash the potatoes on my plate with my fork and watch the sun. Newt on the other hand, has no trouble eating. In fact he eats like he hasn't eaten for days. He eats like his life depended on it, probably something to do with being a runner.

I mashed the potatoes until there was absolutely no chunks left. Then I started mixing the other vegetables in with it. Newt finished eating, and was now licking the plate. He catches me looking and grins at me like a five year old.
'Do you want it?' I ask pushing my plate towards him.
'You're not hungry?'
'I'm not hungry,' I confirm. I hand my plate over to him and he happily starts eating the mashed and mixed food off my plate.

I pull my legs against my chest and watch him eat. I feel it before I hear it. Sort of like a belly rumbling, but in the ground, beneath my feet. A mini earthquake. I look at Newt, but he doesn't seem to notice. Then a growl coming from the walls, almost like a moan. My instincts take over and I reach out, grabbing Newt by the arm, my hand clutching just above his elbow. He looked down at me in surprise.

'Where's that, that sound come, coming from?' I stutter. Newt smiles, untanglesmy hands from his, then wraps them around his waist, and wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. It was only when I felt the steadiness and the warmth from his body, that I realised I was shaking. Newt pointed at the walls.

The walls!! They were moving! The exits, the openings into the maze, were closing. I didn't think that was possible, though Alby had warned me. They moved closer and closer until finally, with a BOOM, they sealed shut.
'They closed,' I say in amazement.
'Yep,' Newt says.
'Why do they do that?'
'Well, they close to keep the grievers out, to keep us safe.'
'They're these, half animal half machine things that have poisonous needles that sting you, they normally come out at night. But they do come out during the day sometimes, and sometimes sting the runners. We bring them back as soon as possible. And inject them with this thing that comes up with the supplies. It saves them, but then they go through the changing, bloody painful.'
He looked like he was lost in his thoughts.
'What happens if they don't get back before the walls close?'
Newt's expression hardens, enough to scare me, almost as scary as he had been during the 'incident'. Almost.
'No one's ever survived a night in the maze, Jane.' His expression changes into pure agony.

I realise I'm still wrapped around Newt's waist and quickly release him, but he doesn't take his arm off my shoulder. He pulls me closer instead, my head pressing against his chest and buries his head in my hair.
'You're still shaking,' he whispers.

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