3. I'm Ruining My Life. Rip Me

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(Mentions of suicide)

Frank was mad.

No, forget mad...

Frank was pissed.

What the hell was wrong with people? Of course Ray had been beautiful and sweet and nice... Everything Frank couldn't resist. But then whoever was upstairs...had decided Frank didn't deserve to happy. And Ray was no longer ONLY Frank's. He had to share. And Frank didn't like sharing. Especially not someone who meant the world to him. Because doesn't Frank deserve at least something? He'd never done anything terribly wrong...

Okay. That was a total lie. But frankly, (haha) Frank didn't give a fuck. He didn't feel like he deserved to be cheated on. So what did Frank do when he found his boyfriend with some random prostitute in his own bed? He did the only logical thing and called the police. Ray and the prostitute, of course, skedaddled the fuck right out of there, not knowing that in reality, Frank had called Papa Johns on speed-dial.

Everything was going wrong for Frank and he didn't like it like that. Finally, it'd gotten to be too much for Frank and he'd had a sudden urge to take those pills. Those damn pills. What the hell was wrong with him? Frank had cut before. That's what the bandage on his arm was for. He was pretty stupid if he hadn't realized that if he thought nobody would notice as long as he wore long sleeves.

Nobody gave a fuck about Frank Iero.

Not that he was complaining now. If they had cared about him, he'd be in a coffin right now, just living (?) his dead life. Instead, they brought him back to the world he was so desperately trying to escape. And he couldn't wait to escape again. They wouldn't be able to stop him next time. When he'd woken up in the hospital, he was sick. Mentally...and Physically, and emotionally.  Family surrounding him, showering him in presents and love and his mother had even baked a cake for him. He appreciated the effort but that was a fucking joke. It wasn't his birthday for God's sake. He'd just tried to take his life and they were telling him how proud they were he was for holding on? nO. Plus he hated hospitals.

Frank was done. He didn't want to be here and he was forced to. Frank was a caged animal, trapped inside his own mind, and nobody could hear him screaming.

As Gerard led him down the bustling corridor, he saw Gerard fingering a locket around his neck, smiling softly.

"You're in love?" Frank asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"What's it to you?" Gerard asked.

"Love is overrated," Frank growled, turning around. "What really is love? Like... It hurts you so bad but it feels so good. Does that make sense?"

"Didn't know we were getting all emo here," Gerard pursed his lips, teasingly. Frank rolled his eyes.

"Never mind, forget it," he crossed his arms.

"Awww, come on, Frank," Gerard mumbled. "I didn't mean it. I was just joking with you!"

Frank snorted.

"So who's the locket from?" He asked, desperately trying to change the subject before things got to awkward between them. And Frank was going to be honest that Gerard was honestly the nicest person he'd met at the hospital so far.

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