Deleted Scene II: v1

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3 days after Epilogue

Pete stumbled out of the hospital room, letting out a loud scream.

"H-help!" He sobbed, pointing into the room where Mikey was.

"Pete!" Gerard leaped up, staring at him in confusion. "What's going on?"

Pete just stared, gaping at Gerard and letting out pitiful sobs. He stumbled over to lean on the bench for support.

"The monitor started beeping really loudly," he whimpered. The doctors raced past him and into the room where Mikey was.

Pete stood up and began pacing, anxiously. What if Mikey didn't make it? Oh god. Oh no... He'd already lost Mikey once, a long time ago. He wasn't ready to lose him again... He started full out sobbing and collapsed on the floor.

"Don't let him leave!" Pete looked up at Gerard, between sobs. "I can't lose him again!" He begged.

"Time of death..." Came a voice from inside the hospital room. Pete started sobbing harder than ever.

"No, no, no, Mikey... Mikey, please," Pete cried out. "Don't please. We were going to watch Lacey and Pete grow up, and we were going to grow old together, and we were going to get married!" He sobbed. "And now you're gone," he sighed. He turned as the doctors came out and bolted into the room. He collapsed at Mikey's side and flung his arms around him. Mikey lay completely motionless, and Pete could almost feel the warmth and life seep out of him.

"Mikes... Mikes..." He whispered. "I-I love you so much," he whispered, tears falling fast from his face.


Pete sighed as he opened the door to his house. Oh god. He wouldn't be able to do this.

"Papa! Papa!" An excited voice exclaimed. Lacey raced up to him and leaped into his arms, giggling happily. Frankie walked into the room, carrying  little Pete.

Pete hugged Lacey tightly and didn't want to let go. He kissed her forehead. He took little Pete from Frankie's arms and held him tightly to his body.

Little Pete gave him a grin and reached up to grab his hair, and pulled, screeching excitedly. Pete laughed and pulled his hair from his son's grip.

He planted a big kiss on his cheek and the infant squealed, writhing in his grip.

"I'm sorry, Pete," Frankie murmured, gently.

"Thank you, Frankie," Pete smiled at them, gently. "For taking care of Lacey and Pete, and for everything," he murmured.

"It's no problem, Pete. We're family," they assured him, gently. "Try to get some sleep tonight, okay? It's what Mikey would want..." They murmured. "I'll be over tomorrow."

"Thank you Frankie. Take care, my friend," Pete smiled. Frankie nodded and left. It was still around two-o'clock and Pete sat down at the kitchen table, little Pete still in his arms. Lacey followed him. 

"Papa? Where's daddy?" Lacey asked, looking up at him, gently.

"He went on a big adventure, Lace. He's not going to be back for a while," he murmured.

"What kind of adventure?" Lacey looked up at him in awe. "Is he going to have fun? Will he meet people?"

"Daddy's going to go meet lots of angels, and he's going to be really happy. You remember about the angels, don't you, Lace?" He smiled, pulling her onto his lap along side little Pete, who'd fallen asleep in his arms. "Remember they're prettier than anything on Earth? They live in heaven and they protect good things on Earth."

Rhythm of the Rain(Petekey/Frerard/Ryden)Where stories live. Discover now