10. Greed

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(Another Soul Punk reference I'm sorry I just love Soul Punk so much kill mE)

Gerard: Did you want to go to the movies, later?

Frank: Ray's already invited me. :0 sorryyyy

Gerard: okay

Frank: are you mad at me?

Gerard: Why would I be mad?

Frank: idk. You just seem a little upset...

Gerard: what movie are you seeing?

Frank: Star Wars at 7. :)

Gerard: Cool

Gerard set his phone down, and had to fight the urge to hurl it across the room. He hated Ray Toro so much. What had he done to deserve Frank? From what Frank had told Gerard, Ray was a no good cheating asshole, who didn't deserve anyone.

He considered meeting Frank and Ray at the movie, but decided that would be a bit too asshole-ish of him. He could hear Mikey crying in the next room and really fought the urge to want to kick Pete Wentz hard in the balls. The world was just not on his side. He was upset, and he damn well had a right to be upset because who says the world can't be okay? It was really a bunch of bullshit and Gerard was angry and tired.

Actually, heartbroken was a better word for it. Gerard was heartbroken. He didn't understand love. He'd never had a girlfriend or a boyfriend ever and everything was so confusing for him and he didn't have a clue of what to do. He just wanted the feelings to leave him alone.

He looked at the clock. 6:30. Half an hour till Ray and Frank would be in the movies. Would they kiss? Innocently watch the movie? Share popcorn or candy? Gerard clenched his fist, his breathing getting a bit faster than normal.

He was jealous. He knew it too. This really wasn't a good time for him to be jealousy. He would have to get over Frank and he knew it, but he just couldn't help it. Frank was just so likable. He was honestly friendly and smart and brave... He'd had the guts to keep on living. Why was Ray the one to deserve him? What had Gerard done to not deserve Frank?

Maybe it was for the better- maybe because Ray was back, Frank wouldn't be so inclined to try and take his life again... Gerard stood up and walked to the kitchen and sat at the table.

He tapped his fingers.

He checked the clock. 6:45.

He checked his phone. Nothing.

He put his headphones in, trying to distract himself, and played a Smashing Pumpkins song.

He checked his phone. Nothing

Gerard sighed and banged his head down on the table. He wanted to do something, but he really couldn't. He'd been so dependent on Frank to hang out with. He sighed again and he got up to grab an apple. This day would go by so slowly...


Mikey stopped dead in his tracks. Pete stood a few inches away from him, staring directly into his eyes. Mikey tried not to move, or even blink at him. Finally, it was Pete who spoke.

"Mikey, I-" Pete began.

"Don't," Mikey interrupted him, softly. "Don't you see how much this hurts, Peter? You messed up, and now we both have to suffer. I'm sorry but I can't get hurt like this. I love-loved you too much," Mikey whispered, averting his gaze. "Please, give me some space and time..."

"How long, Mikey? I have been waiting. I have been apologizing. I'm breaking my heart and spreading it all on the floor in front of you, and what do I get? I get all the pieces getting stepped on over and over again and I'm sorry!"

"If you truly love me, you'll wait for me," Mikey murmured.

"I'd wait for you, forever," Pete promised.

"Forever's a long time, Pete," Mikey said, quietly.

"I know," he whispered. "But I'd do it. Who says love was easy?" He looked at him, sadly, before walking off.

Mikey stated after him, trying really, really hard not to cry, and went on to his next class.


Pete sat next to Patrick, wiping his eyes.

"Pete, I will help you get him back. I promise. I see you staring at him, and guess what: he stares at you too," Patrick told him, quickly. "When you're not looking, of course," he added.

"I don't know, Patrick. He says he needs time..."

"He's trying to learn to trust you again, but once we start dating, he'll be so worried about how bad of an influence I am that he'll fight so hard for you... It'll be romantic." Patrick promised him. His eyes flickered to behind him. "Don't turn, but he's coming. I think he coming to talk to you," Patrick smiled and Pete turned as he felt Mikey's presence behind him.

"Pete, I, uh, thought about what you said and wondered if you wanted to come to the movies with me, tonight?" Mikey asked, blushing, and not looking at Patrick.

"Actually, Mr. Way, Pete and I are working together on a history project together and we really want to get a good grade," Patrick smiled up at Mikey, before Pete could open his mouth. "So, we're going to be studying, unfortunately..."

"Oh," Mikey furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh, um, that's fine. Maybe another time. Yeah, another time." He added. "Well, talk to you later, Pete. Patrick," he walked away.

"What are you doing?" Pete hissed. "That was a chance to get close to him!" He whined.

"Shut your mouth, Pete. Now, he knows that we're interested in each other. This will work much better. Trust me."

"I don't."

"That's fine."


This was kinda short I'm sorry. The only excuse I can offer you is school is terrible.

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