12. Rain Addict

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Frank let out sobs as Gerard laid next to him, hugging him, gently.

"W-why would he?" Frank shivered, pressing into Gerard, gently. "I thought he loved me..."

"He doesn't love you, Frankie..." Gerard murmured. "Trying to force someone into sex is not love... It's sick." He mumbled. "You were right to call me. I could kill him, Frankie. I'm going to kill him."

"Please, don't, Gee. I hate him, but don't kill him," Frank let out a sob, and buried his face into Gerard's side.

"Frankie he tried to rape you. He deserves to go to jail!"

"No one will believe me," Frank murmured, miserably. "Boys can't get raped apparently."

"Yes, they can! He'll go to jail, I promise you, Frankie," Gerard smiled gently at him. "Frankie, no one deserves to get raped," he murmured. He planted a kiss on Frank's forehead, gently.

Frank jerked away, suddenly.

"No... No, Gerard. Please don't. It's too soon," Frank whispered, apologetically.

"That's okay, Frankie. Did you want to go the hospital-"

"No," Frank shook his head.

"...To see Brendon and Ryan...?" Gerard trailed off.

"Oh. Sure," he nodded, moving away from Gerard. "Uh, ready to go?"

"Yeah, I have to grab my keys first," he smiled.


Ryan liked Brendon; he knew this. He liked him like really.

Like the story Brendon had told him. Brendon was like his girl-knight. Because he'd saved him from being lonely. Of course he had Gee, but Gee was older than him, and older people couldn't always be his friend. Gee had proved this by becoming friends with Frank. Ryan understood that Frank made Gee happy in a way that Ryan just couldn't. 

Ryan knew that Gee was sad a lot. Ryan didn't like being sad, but he liked trying to make Gee feel better. Gee deserved to feel happy.

He felt Brendon rustle next to him, gently. He yawned and looked gently at Brendon who was breathing softly next to him, asleep. They'd fallen asleep in Ryan's bed, the Rupunzel book open, next to him.

"Ryan?" Brendon's eyes fluttered open, confused. He blinked up at Ryan, smiling brightly.

"Hey, Brendon," Ryan giggled. "You fell asleep!"

"So did you," Brendon tickled him.

"N-no! Brendon, stoooop," Ryan protested, trying to wiggle away from him. "Don't tickle me, please!?"

Brendon stopped, as asked, before grinning and leaning back on Ryan.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Ryan sat up, interested, pushing Brendon up with him.

"Gee! Frankie!" Ryan jumped off the bed, and raced into Gerard's arms, who swooped him up, hugging him, gently.

"Hello, Brendon!" Gerard called over to the other boy. He let Ryan down and watched as Ryan raced back over the bed.

"You're going to be a good dad," Frank murmured into his ear. "Not like me. I'd be a pretty shit dad..."

"Language, Frank," Gerard warned. "And don't worry. I'd help you." He suddenly blushed when he realized what he'd said and prayed that Frank hadn't caught on to what he'd said.

"Thanks," Frank blushed, walking over to Brendon and Ryan.


The rain was acid on Pete's skin and he seethed in anger. He hated the rain. It had too many bad memories and he didn't know if he could handle it.

He was mad at everything. He was mad at Mikey. He was mad at Patrick. He was mad at whoever had kissed him at the party. He was mad at whoever had filmed it. He was mad at himself.

He wanted it to be over. He wanted to be in Mikey's arms. He wanted to be cradled in their forever.

Unfortunately, their forever was a lie, and it was all Pete's fault. Pete had broken a promise to always remain true and he hated himself for it.

The taste of Patrick's lips were still on him, and he shuddered. He wanted to go home, but go home to Mikey. He missed him so damn much.

Maybe, he'd been too independent on Mikey. Mikey was everything to him and now that he was gone, Pete felt like an empty shell.

He'd do anything to get him back.


Patrick smiled, sidling up to Pete, who was at his locker. He pressed him into the locker, and turned him around to face him.

"Go with it," he murmured, gently, before kissing Pete full on the mouth. Pete could feel all the eyes on him and tried to move with Patrick, to make it look real. He felt flushed and he felt Patrick wrap his arms around his neck, and he could hear an uproar from the kids surrounding them.

"Mr. Wentz! Mr. Stump! What in God's name do you think you're doing?"

Patrick let go of him to face a teacher, indignantly.

One of their teachers stared at them, disapprovingly.

"I was just saying hi to my boyfriend, Mr. Armstrong," Patrick smirked up at him. He gripped Pete's hand, tightly.

"Yes, well..." Mr. Armstrong stared at them, sighing. "Try to tone down your enthusiasm, will you, Mr. Stump?"

"Of course!" Patrick nodded.

The crowd had dispersed after Mr. Armstrong had interrupted, and Patrick turned to him, smiling gently.

"That was great, Pete. You're getting the hang of it," Patrick smiled, kissing his cheek before walking away. Pete stared after him, sighing.

He turned and ran straight into... Mikey.

"Hey, Pete," Mikey didn't meet his gaze.

"Mikey..." Pete replied, gently. He leaned back into the locker, gently.

"It seemed like you two did a bit more than work on a project... Huh?" Mikey offered him a small smile. "Well, uh, that's good! I'm glad you're moving on," he nodded.

Pete tightened his jaw. Mikey's smile was exactly the thing he needed, but this wasn't the smile he wanted or needed.

This was a sad smile that meant nothing... This smile was fake and he knew Mikey was hurting too. He wanted nothing more than too throw himself into Mikey's arms and apologize for everything he'd done wrong.

But he couldn't do that. Mikey wouldn't feel the same way.

"Have you found anyone yet?" Pete scratched the back of his head.

"No," Mikey shook his head. "It's still too soon for me. I'm not looking for a new relationship right now."

"Oh. O-okay," Pete nodded. "Well, uh, I'll see you you soon, I guess," he nodded to Mikey, walking away, hands shoved in his pockets.

He just hadn't heard Mikey's small:

"I miss you..."


Love you

Rhythm of the Rain(Petekey/Frerard/Ryden)Where stories live. Discover now