15. Everything Combusts and It Ends

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Pete looked down at his phone and almost dropped it in surprise. Why would Mikey of all people be calling him? He sighed and debated on whether or not it was Mikey calling to yell at him or something equally bad.

"Pick it up, Pete," Patrick nodded to him from the other side of the room. "You'll want to hear it."

"Okay." Pete picked up the phone. "Hello?"



"Are you alone? Is Patrick with you?"

Pete looked guilty at Patrick who shook his head.

"Uh... No. Why?"

"I really need to talk to you," Mikey's voice sounded really urgent and almost on the verge of tears.

"Are you okay, Mikeywa-Mikey?" Pete blushed and restrained himself from using the nickname.

"Not really, Pete. I just need to talk to you. It's important."

"Where do you want to meet then?"


They were in an abandoned alley, and Pete directed Patrick, as soon as he'd seen Mikey's car. Pete followed Patrick as they stepped out of the car.

Mikey sat, waiting for them and eyes flashed as soon as he saw Patrick. Pete barely had enough time to figure out what was happening before Mikey had jumped over to them.

"What are you doing here, you stupid asshole?" Mikey screeched, punching Patrick full in the face, with a loud smack.

"Ow!" Patrick staggered backwards, knocking into Pete. "What the hell, Mikey?"

"I never want to see your face again!" Mikey screamed, continuing to hit him.

"Mikey! Woah, woah, woah!" Pete protested, grabbing Mikey and trying to restrain him. "Mikey, c-calm down!" Pete spluttered, looping his arms through Mikey's arms, trying to hold him back.

"Stop it, Pete! Let me go! I'm going to kill him; I swear to God!" Mikey shrieked.

Suddenly, he went limp in Pete's arms and started sobbing hysterically. Pete lowered them to the floor and cradled him in his arms.

"Mikey, I'm here for you, baby, I'm so sorry..." Pete wrapped his arms around Mikey and held him. Suddenly, Mikey lashed out and began punching him.

"I hate you too!" Mikey screamed through the tears. "I thought you loved me and you lied to me and it hurt like hell and go away!" Mikey gave a final push and began sobbing his heart out on the gravel.

"Mikey, stop, don't push me away," Pete picked him up and Mikey buried himself in Pete's chest. "I love you, Mikeyway. I never stopped loving you, and I never will stop loving you," Pete promised, kissing Mikey's forehead.

"Patrick lied!" Mikey sobbed. "He really loves you and he tried to break us apart and it worked, and I let my feelings get the best of me and I'm sorry Pete, I love you!"

"What the hell did you do?" Pete narrowed his eyes at Patrick.

"It was part of the plan!" Patrick snapped, wiping blood from his nose. "He thinks I really love you and I tried to break you up because of it, but I don't love you. All of it was to help you Pete. Everything. You're welcome," Patrick added. He got back in the car and drove away

"Wh-what?" Mikey sniffed, looking up. "You two aren't dating?"

"No, my love. I'm way too far in love with you to love anyone else, Mikey. I missed you. I missed you so bad," Pete let tears fall and he gripped Mikey's jacket. "I love you, Mikeyway."

Rhythm of the Rain(Petekey/Frerard/Ryden)Where stories live. Discover now