Deleted Scene I

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Prom Night, (5 Years before the Epilogue, 15 years after Chapter 15)

Brendon smiled at Ryan, tears forming in eyes.

Ryan walked confidentially out of the hospital, spinning around to show off his suit.

"Do you like it?" Ryan beamed. He walked straight into Brendon's arms, who pulled him close to his body, kissing him like his life depended on it.

"It's beautiful, baby," he sniffed, wiping his eyes, and wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. His kissed the top of his head, that had grown a bit of hair, and buried his face in Ryan's neck. "You're so handsome..." He murmured. "I'll be the luckiest guy there tonight," he promised, smiling gently.

"Aw, Bren," Ryan murmured. "You spoil me..." He teased, kissing his cheek.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Dallon shouted from the car. "I hate to break up a beautiful moment, but do you mind hurrying it up? Breezy's gotta use the restroom, and I don't think I can stand Jon and Spencer making out back here any more than I need a hole in the head!"

"Shut up, Dallon!" Brendon shouted. "We'll be over there in a second!" He turned back to Ryan, flashing him a smile that made Ryan's heart melt. "Are you ready to go, my sweet prince?" Brendon asked, linking their arms, together.

Ryan smiled, nodding, and rested his head against Brendon's shoulder. Brendon walked with him to the car and opened up the back door. Jon and Spencer jumped apart in the very back seat, and smiled, blushing bright red. Brendon and Ryan got in the middle seat and held hands, losely. Brendon was to busy smiling happily to notice Ryan's sad smile, watching the trees outside the window.

"Hey, Ryan," Breezy smiled sweetly at him, from the front passenger seat. "Doing alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine!" Ryan beamed, looking up at her.

"This is going to be the best prom ever," Brendon grinned. "Jon, stop kicking my seat!" He turned around.

"Don't blame me! Spence is tickling me!" Jon pouted, shoving the other boy off of him.

"Dallon," Ryan spoke up. "I have to be back at the hospital by ten," he murmured, not looking at Brendon.

"Sure thing, Cinderella," Dallon winked at him from the front seat. "Almost there!"

They pulled into the school parking lot, and Dallon turned the off the car, jumping out, Brendon doing the same. They went around different sides and opened the doors like the gentlemen they are.

Breezy took Dallon's hand and smiled, spinning into his arms, and he dipped her, leaving a kiss on her cheek.

"You look beautiful, my darling," he grinned. She blushed and he stood her back up.

Brendon smiled as Ryan gingerly took his hand, wobbly stepping out of the car.

"Every time I see you, I want to cry," Brendon admitted, placing a kiss on Ryan's forehead.

"And you complain about us making out. You guys are such hypocrites," Jon rolled his eyes, pulling Spencer out of the car. "Come on, hot stuff," he winked at Spencer, jumping into his arms. Spencer grinned and kissed him before walking off to the school.

"Ready, my love?" Brendon smiled, offering his arm out to Ryan. Ryan smiled, and took it.

The noise was loud and a little bit scary to Ryan, but he tried to enjoy it for Brendon... And because of... The other thing.

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