The First Day of Summer Vacation

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"You've got a letter, Eleanor." Uncle Severus said as I sleepily stumbled into the sitting room the first day of summer break. He was already fully dressed in his day clothes and sitting in one of the two chairs in front of the fire place, drinking coffee and reading the Daily Prophet.

I yawned and scratched my head, only to realize that my hair was still in Sarah Beth's tight braid.

"Oh? Where is it?" I asked.

"On the kitchen table."  He answered, not taking his eyes off the paper. I walked into the kitchen, and sure enough a white envelope was on the table sitting next to a box of Every Flavor Beans. I picked it up and broke the seal. I quickly pulled out the letter and read:

Dear Ellie, 

I'm sorry for being mean to you on the train. I probably really hurt your feelings. I hope you are not mad at me. I didn't mean anything I said last night. I love you, you know that. And your hair did look pretty last night.  

By the way, do you want to stay a week at my house sometime this month? My father said he didn't care when.  



P.s. Enjoy the Every Flavor Beans...think of me.

I put the letter to my chest and let out a dreamy sigh. He did care. All the anger I was feeling towards him vanished and was replaced with longing. I had to see him...soon.

Glee filled, I walked back into the sitting room and stopped in front of my Uncle. He lowered the newspaper and looked up at me,

"Yes?" He asked.

"Can I go to Draco's?"

"No." He started reading the paper again.

"What? But why!?"

"Control your temper, Eleanor." He reminded.

"Why?" I said again in a calmer tone.

"Because, you just got home. You can go in a couple of weeks" Responding to my disappointed face, he continued, "But I'm not stopping you from using the Floo Powder Network or simply writing him back."

Annoyed, I started to go back to my room, then he added,

"Why don't you read a book if you are going to be that bored?"

"Fine." I turned around and started studying the titles on his bookshelf that took up the whole wall.

The History of the Wolfbane Potion...Polyjuice Potion and You (Or Him)... 101 Uses for ...

"These are all about potion making!" I turned back around to face him.

"Yes, I know."

"I don't want to read any of this!"

"It's not a matter of if you want to or not, it's a matter of I told you to and you are."

"But Uncle Severus! You only suggested that I read, not-"

"I changed my mind. You need to enlighten yourself in the art of potions making. Once you do that you will be able to bottle fame, brew glory-"

"Even put a stopper of death." I said along with him. I had heard that lecture so many times that I could recite it all. He stopped talking so I could continue. "Yes, I know, but I'm no good at it."

"That is why you are going to work hard and learn, Eleanor. It won't be long until you take your O.W.L.s, and-"

"Uncle Severus! That's two years from now!

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