The Pain that Hurts the Most

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Sarah Beth~

"Is that...?" Vincent trailed off, standing up and looking around everyone's heads. Being the height I was I couldn't see above everyone to see what everyone was gawking at.

"Is he dead?" Gregory asked beside me.

"Merlin! Potter has killed him! I knew he was no good! I told them he shouldn't have let him in!" Draco, who was standing on his tiptoes, commented.

"Who?" I questioned, but no one seemed to hear me.

"I'm sure he's not..." Rufus, who had the best view out of all of us because of his height, said quietly. We all went silent as the crowd around us chattered, all in a panic.

"Who!?" I asked again, a little angry. I was short and couldn't see what was going on.

"Bloody..." Vincent looked down.

"He's dead! He's dead!" Someone started shouting.


"He's dead! Diggory is dead!" Some other people were now bellowing.

I felt a pain hit my chest. No! That couldn't be true! Cedric was as alive as ever! I had to see for myself. There was no way he could be dead!

"Cedric!" I screamed out. I couldn't control what I was doing. Before anyone could think, I slid past Rufus and started running down the stairs.

Standing at the start of the maze were a bunch of people, huddled around something.

"No!" I yelled. Everyone was lying. This was some kind of prank. In a few minutes someone was going to yell out haha! and everything was going to be okay.

I pushed the people out of my way, trying to get in the middle.

"No!" It seemed like the only thing I could say. I ran faster, trying to shove my way to the middle. I still couldn't see him.

"Sarah Beth!" I heard Mr. Cornelius exclaim from somewhere in the craziness. A pair of hands went around my sides and pull me away from everyone.

"No!" I wailed.

"Sarah Beth." He said again, lead me this time out of the circle. "Sarah Beth." He restated a bit more gently as he pulled me into a protecting hug. "You have no business being down here. Go back and join Rufus." His voice sounded scared and his face was pale.

"No!" I had been yelling so much that I was going hoarse.


"Sarah Beth! Uncle Cornelius!" Mr. Cornelius was interrupted by Rufus, who must have been running up behind me. His voice sounded high and frightened.

"Rufus!" Mr. Cornelius opened his arm and pulled him in also. "Listen, you two need to stay right in this spot until I come get you." Neither of us spoke, but shook out heads yes. Silently, Mr. Cornelius let go and went back into the chaos.

"Cedric..." I turned to talk, but couldn't above my cries. Rufus grabbed me into a hug.

"Sarah Beth." Another hand was put onto my shoulder. Before I could turn around, Rufus sneered.

"Go away! She doesn't want you, Goyle!" Venom practically dripped from his voice as he said his name. I didn't turn around to look, but just kept crying. Apparently, Greogery went somewhere else. "It'll be okay." His voice wan't shaky, but I knew he was crying. I could feel his tears falling off his cheek and onto mine, mixing with my own.

"No it's not!" I pressed my face into his chest.

And it wasn't. I was definitely feeling more pain than Cho, who was sobbing somewhere beside Mr. Diggory. She didn't know him like I did! She didn't love him the way I did! Not even half was much as I did!

Cedric had promised me that he would always be there for me. Always. But that was a lie. He wasn't here now that I was injured. I was suffering form the most painful and most deadly fracture of all... The one that was down the middle of my heart.

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