Chapter 1

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Dan's POV

    Where do I start with today? Ross and I decided to sleep in the recording room because it was dark out, and I couldn't see the road. Besides, I was tired. What if I fell asleep while driving? There wasn't a lot of room on the couch for sleeping,  so I couldn't argue when Ross got super close. Then I was thinking. Ross was acting strange, like he's hiding something. I didn't notice it before, but now that I can really think about it...
    I was about to drift off, when I hear faint sobbing. I feel Ross shaking, and I open my eyes, considering whether to talk to him, or let him cry himself out.
    "Ross?" I mutter, after a few minutes of thinking. I feel him jump, startled at my voice. I hug him close, trying my best to reassure him, to tell him that everything was okay.
    He turned to face me, and gave me a tight hug, and I feel him cry as he does so.
    "Dan..." He sniffled.
    "Yea, buddy? What's wrong?"
    He continued to cry, and I do what I can to comfort him as he pulled himself together. He took deep, calming breaths, and he fell asleep, even though I couldn't help but be worried.
    I woke up the next day, Ross still sleeping, and uncomfortably close, but I couldn't just fling him off. He was so peaceful. What was last night's little outburst from him all about, anyways?
    "Ross, wake up." I whisper.
    I feel Ross move a bit, and his eyes open slowly. As soon as he saw how close we were, he jumped a bit, and turned red. I laugh a bit. Even though Ross was most likely embarrassed, he decided to try to annoy me by clinging onto me and not letting go.
    "Get off..." I mutter drowsily.
    He didn't obey, but I eventually heaved the both of us upright. I looked back at Ross's face, and I burst into laughter at the sight. His face was red, eyes tightly shut. He refused to let go.
    "Why are you so embarrassed? You do this shit just about every day!" I spoke my mind, still smiling. Ross can just be so lovably annoying.
    "Can I tell you something?" Ross looks up at me, and I see worry and sadness in his eyes. He looked like he was about to cry.
    "What is it? What's wrong?" I was really concerned and confused. Nothing could ever make Ross like this. He was just so happy most of the time, always laughing at the stupid things he does.
    He hesitated, almost spoke, then he cried, and hugged me. I was shocked; what was going on? All I could do was try to calm him down while sitting there, confused.
    "What's going on?" I ask worriedly.
    "Dan," he sniffled, calming himself, "Holly left me yesterday."
    There was a moment of silence; I didn't know what I could say.
    "I'm so sorry, Ross," I brought him closer to me, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"
    "I- I'll be okay Dan, don't worry about me!" He put on a smile, even though he was still crying.
    "C'mon, you don't have to force a smile now. Are you okay?"
    "And," Ross continued, wiping of his fake grin, "I think I... No, never mind!" He seemed like he almost let out a big secret.
    "Ross, if it's something that's gonna bother you, it'll bother me. What is it? Please tell me; I really just wanna be here for you..." My voice trailed off.
    "Dan, how about you just take me home?" He ordered harshly.
    "Well, excuse me, princess!" I jokingly referenced the old Legend of Zelda cartoon, "If you say please, maybe I will."
    "Please," he Ross muttered aggressively.
    "That'll do for now," I reply, then fake coughed, "Dick."
    "What was that?" Ross said blankly, clearly not paying full attention.
    "Oh sorry," I fake my worry, trying to get a laugh out of him, "My throat was scratchy!"
    "Let's go," Ross just sat there; he had given up trying to smile.
    "I think we both need some rest," I grew more serious; this was clearly not the time for a joke, "C'mon, let's go."
    I led him to the car, holding his hand every step of the way. I had given him a ride to work, so, of course I had to bring him back to his house. We hop into the car, out of the cold autumn breeze. I started up the car, and drove to Ross's house. We sat there in silence the whole drive.

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