Chapter 11

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Dan's POV
We had everyone's attention now. Arin already knew about all this, but nobody else did. How would they react? I couldn't be scared, though. I needed to be brave for Ross.
"Ross and I are dating," I regretted getting everybody's attention so eagerly.
The room was filled with everyone's voices. They sounded happy for us, some filled with disbelief.
"But Ross has Holly, right?" Kevin asked, unaware of what happened.
"Not anymore," Ross spoke, which surprised me a bit. I expected him to stay quiet.
"What do you mean?" Kevin's voice was filled with confusion and sympathy.
"She- she isn't with me a-anymore..." Ross had started crying. Everyone gathered around to try and cheer him up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know!" Kevin apologized.
"It'll be okay!" Arin comforted.
"Will you be okay?" Barry asked.
"Give him some space!" I raised my voice, protecting Ross, who leaned on me from behind. Everyone backed off, and I felt bad for yelling.
"Sorry," I mumbled.
    "It's fine," Arin responded, "We gotta record, though, so you and Ross gotta separate."
    "Okay," I sighed, "Bye, Ross, love you."
    He blushed intensely, which was adorable, "Love you more."
    "I love you most!" I retorted.
    "Well," Ross seemed flabbergasted for a second, even though it was an expected retort, but then stated, "Well I love you the mostest!"
"Guys, really?" Arin laughed, smiling.
"This is important!" I giggled back.
"C'mon Dan, let's record."
We recorded a decent chunk of episodes and called it a day. I was pretty tired. I wonder what Ross did today. I walk out of the recording room to see Ross eagerly awaiting me.
"Hi Dan!" He smiled giddily, "Barry showed me editing today!"
"So you didn't work?" I didn't say it angrily, just amusedly.
    "Basically yeah!" He laughed.
    "I'm peeved!" I joked.
    "Yes, be peeved," Ross cackled.
    "I will be peeved!"
    "Fine then!"
    "Swell, really?" I questioned Ross's choice in words.
    "What else could I've said?" He defends himself.
    "Uhm... Spectacular, great, wondrous," I started.
    "Okay, okay, I get it!" Ross stopped me, smiling at our little joke.
"Just saying!"
"So... What do you wanna do today?"
"I dunno, what about you?"
"Maybe... I have no idea."
    "Same..." I groaned.
    "Hey, what's up?" Arin greeted us, having just given the episodes to Barry.
    "Absolutely nothing," Ross grumbled, annoyed.
    "That sucks, man."
    "Yep," I sighed.
    "Maybe you guys should go home and not bug me about it!" Arin laughed.
Arin's POV
    I needed them out now or I was gonna lose it. I knew that I was being selfish, but I can't help it! I never would've thought I had such strong feelings for a friend. Yep, friend...
    "Okay, okay, we'll leave you to your thing!" Dan and Ross went out the door, and I could've sworn I saw Dan grab Ross's hand.
    I sit back in the empty recording room. Arin, stop being an ass. They're dating, and even if you could do anything, is this even love? It might just be a strong friendship. Heh, yea right. Wishful thinking.
    I hear Barry walk in, and say, "Arin, I'm done for the day, okay? ... Hey, what's up?" He could see right through me.
"Don't worry about me," I tried to sound happier.
"Something's wrong..." Barry puts a hand on my shoulder, "You can tell me, if you want..." He whispered, sending a chill down my spine, though not of fear.
"R-really, don't worry!"
"I can't help myself. I just wanna help you."
"Okay," I gave in; if I didn't, I might've broken down at some point, "I might love Dan, but Ross kinda just... Yea," I awkwardly explained.
"Arin," Was he disappointed in me? I was, too.
"I'm ashamed. I'm a terrible person, aren't I? I'm sorry, okay?!" It was times like these where I was thankful that this room was soundproof.
"Arin, this isn't your fault! Let's handle this together, okay? One step at a time."
"Where do we start?"
"Are you feeling okay?" No. No, I wasn't.

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