Chapter 6

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Dan's POV

After recording with Arin, I decided to go see Ross. I hadn't decided what I'd do, if I liked him, but I might as well visit. Besides, he might still need some hugs. He did just break up with Holly, and I wouldn't be doing so good if I was in his place.
When I arrive, I quietly knock on the door, awaiting an answer. I hear shuffling near the door, on the other side. It takes a while to open up, but when it does, it was clear that Ross was crying, and tried to stop.
"Hey," he muttered, looking at the ground, "Warn me before you visit next time."
"Ross, c'mon... Let me in, and we can talk, okay?"
"Yea," he sniffled, "Come in."
Ross leads me to a couch, and I sat, making sure he did, too. Ross tried to leave, but I grabbed onto his hand, refusing to let him.
"Sit down, please. Talk to me, and I'll do my best to help you."
"I'm just gonna get some snacks or something, if you'd let go of my hand."
"I'm not letting go until I get honest emotions!"
"Dan," Ross tried to yank his hand away, but I didn't let go.
In fact, I pull on his arm, and he fell right onto me. I didn't know what compelled me to do it. I just couldn't stand seeing him like this. I had to do something.
I glance down at Ross, who was absolutely shocked. I giggle a little bit, and pull him into a hug. Ross cooperated, and soon we were just sitting on the couch, cuddling.
"Dan," Ross started.
"What is it, buddy?" I ask, still a bit worried about him.
"I-" Ross's voice faltered a bit, "I still miss Holly..."
I felt him start to cry, "Sssshhh... It's okay..." I cooed to him.
He sobbed a bit more, but didn't say anything else. After a half-hour or so, I feel him start to calm down. I sigh quietly, relieved that he was okay right now. I decided right then that I really liked Ross. He was just so innocent, and overall wonderful.
"Ross," I mutter.
"Mhff..." He responded tiredly.
"I love you," Ross became tense, and he hugged me a bit tighter.
"I love you too, Dan," Ross sighed.
We sat there tiredly for a little while, losing track of time. I'm pretty sure Ross had fallen asleep at one point. It was gonna be an awkward day at work tomorrow, I knew that much.
"Ross, you awake?" I ask after who knows how long.
"Now I am," he murmured sleepily.
"I think I'm gonna go home now, okay?"
"Mmfff, can I come?" Ross requested innocently.
"Sure, but we'd have to explain all this to Barry!" I reminded him about my roommate.
"Oh, GOOD." Ross sarcastically remarked.
"C'mon, let's go, the quicker the better, right?" I led Ross out, letting him lean on me.

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