Chapter 8

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Dan's POV
"R-really?" I blushed; Barry just called Ross and I cute.
"Absolutely yea!" He laughed.
"Thanks for taking all of this so well," I thanked Barry because I really did appreciate it.
"I know you'd do the same for me. Hopefully!" Barry joked; he was right, though.
"Of course!" I confirmed.
"I know," Barry giggles in response.
"Well, anyways," I moved the conversation along, "Ross is going through a lot, so it might be best just not to mention Holly to him, okay?" I asked with Ross in mind.
"Okay, I figured. I'll try not to, I know he must be hurting."
"Thanks," I smiled.
"No prob."
"By the way, Ross is sleeping here tonight, okay?" I informed Barry.
"And you don't even ask," he dramatically faked surprise and sadness.
"Oh, how could I?" I laughed.
    "You gonna throw me on the couch tonight, then?" Barry assumed, still smiling a bit.
    "No way! That's not a cool thing to do!"
    "Where are you gonna put Ross, then?"
    "Ross gets my bed. I'll have to live with sleeping on the couch tonight!"
    "Or you could share, y'know, like couples do!" Barry jokingly suggested.
    I feel myself starting to blush for what seems like the hundredth time this week, "Uhm..."
    "I'm just joking with you, man!" Barry giggled a bit at my embarrassment.
    "I'm gonna go get Ross, then, okay? It could take a little bit, though, considering how torn up he was..."
    "Take as long as you need, I'll go set up a movie or something!" Barry headed off to find something for the three of us to do while I proceeded to walk to where I had left Ross.
    I walk into the bedroom to see Ross curled up on my bed, covered in blankets and pillows. It was an adorable sight to see, even though he still seemed pretty sad. At least he'd stopped crying.
    "Hey," Ross addressed me, his voice weak and hoarse from crying, "What does Barry think about all this?"
    "He said that he thinks we're cute," I see Ross smile a small smile of relief and happiness.
    "Us, cute?"
    "That's what I just said, you goofball!" I laughed, "Anyways, you look comfortable in that little cocoon that you've made there!"
    "Mhm," Ross nodded eagerly.
    "You interested in coming downstairs for a movie?" I ask.
    "I'm fine here, thanks," he was trying to annoy me; I could tell by his smile.
    "Are you really gonna do this now?" I ask knowingly.
    "Yup!" Ross cheerfully replied.
    "Of course you are."
    "What are you gonna do about it, huh?" Ross taunted.
    "Hmm... What to do with you..." I pondered briefly.
    "C'mon, I'm waiting!" Ross exclaimed impatiently.
    "So you wanna stay all cuddled up in there... Do you also wanna watch a movie with Barry and I?"
    "Hm, I guess."
    "Okay, up you go!" I brought Ross out of the room the same way he entered; by me carrying him there. I dropped him on the couch, blankets and all, everything still in tact.
    "Thank you," Ross spoke sincerely.
    "Well, looks like Ross gets all the blankets in the house!" Barry said at the sight of Ross.
    "Yea!" Ross giggles proudly.
    Barry turned to me,  "You spoil him, you really do."

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