The Answer's In The Smile. - Chapter 3

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We stepped on their tour bus, and looked around. It was rather nice, but it was the usual tour bus, not that I had my hopes up for a Jacuzzi in the back with champagne, it was actually really nice. It could fit 7 humans in nicely, but a group of vampires, hunters and an angel is pushing it a little bit. 

"Awhh! This is so sweet and cosy and nice!" Stella squealed.

"Thanks." Alex said. He jumped on the sofa, and Jack curled up into a little ball, sitting next to him. Zack sat on the other side and Rian squeezed in between them all. Alex gave me a little half smile.

"Come on in." He laughed to us. I rolled my eyes, and pushed Jack over, and forced myself in, in between him and Alex.

"So, why have you been getting all this gay fan mail?" He asked Jack, and he laughed.

"BECAUSE JALEX IS REAL." He said, sounding like he was about to burst into tears. I had no idea who Jalex was, I assumed it was his boyfriend.

"You're... A homosexual?" I asked, confused. He didn't strike me as the type, especially because he was also a vampire.

"Ugh. Don't tell me you're homophobic, are you?" Jack rolled his eyes at me.

"What? No, of course I'm not. Why would I be scared of my own home?" I replied, even more confused than before. The bus erupted in laughter as I was stood still, missing the joke.

"You're - so - much - like - Castiel!" Stella said through fits of giggles.

"No, Jack's not actually gay, homophobic means you don't like gay people, not that you're scared of your home. Guys just call each other gay as an insult." Zack explained. I still didn't get the funny side.

Zack stood up and made his way over to the kitchen.

"Want one?" He asked us all, and we all jumped up from the sofa and rushed over to the fridge. I looked into the fridge and saw every different kind of alcoholic drink surrounding the fridge doors and shelves. As I was at the front, I had 7 pairs of hands appear to grow on my shoulders, all groping for different types of drinks. I ended up just choosing bottled water, whilst everybody else chose either a WKD, Smirnoff or a beer. Kelly was stood holding some sort of neon green drink in a plastic shot glass.

"Ohh, that's brave, Kelly! Down it in one!" Alex smirked.

"Challenge accepted!" She laughed. Alex looked at Kelly expectantly; she ripped the plastic covering off of the drink, ran over to me and tipped the contents in my mouth. I snapped my mouth up and swallowed. I looked at Alex to see that now everyone was gawping at me. I raised an eyebrow and then the inside of my mouth exploded, like a million fireworks exploded down my throat, or I had just eaten a thousand lemons. I shook my head with my tongue out, trying to get rid of the horrible taste. 

"KELLY! WHAT WAS IN THAT?!" I exclaimed, with a disgusted look on my face. Stella and Jack burst out laughing. Alex toppled off of the back of the sofa and spilt beer all over his white dress shirt, causing Zack to collapse with laughter, once again. He stuck his tongue out at him childishly, and began to take his shirt off. He forgot we were there, and stopped when he saw me looking at him funny.

"Sorry, I forgot that there were ladies in the bus." He turned around and started walking into the bathroom with a blue shirt.

"You mean Jack and Rian?" Zack asked. I laughed, and Jack and Rian frowned, but still laughed, along with the others.

"Nice one, Zack!" Alex called from the bathroom. Rian got up, and switched on the radio, and Alex came out, wearing a blue tee shirt. He danced over to where we were sitting. I laughed, and remembered that weird dancing from the leaving party we threw him all those years ago. I got up, and started dancing with Alex, mocking his weird robot-ish dancing. He rolled his eyes, and started dancing like a drunken hillbilly. I followed suit. Jack got up, walking over to where we were dancing, with Rian, Kelly and Stella following.

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