Take A Breath And Let The Rest Come Easy. - Chapter 10

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*~[Brooke's POV]~*

When I awoke, I was in a cold chair, which was really uncomfortable. I tried to stand up, but the arms and leg restraints told me otherwise. 

"Alright there, Sweetie?" A voice spoke from the darkness. A woman stepped out and made her way towards me. 

"Ruby? Oh my. Thank goodness you're here. Help me out of th-" I started.

"Help you? Oh no. You're going to help me. All we want is your silly, useless, little Grace there. That's it. You're going to make Nathan a VERY wealthy man." She grinned as Nathan stepped out of the darkness and waved at me. I rolled my eyes.

"No. My Grace is useless." I lied. Ruby laughed. 

"Well we've been told otherwise. It has a certain. Enochian Descent about it." Nathan smirked as he picked up a blunt knife from a table. Who told him? How did he know that? All emotion dropped from my face. Alex. That little rat. I was going to kill him if my father didn't reach him first... Father! I mentally yelled for him, Sebastien, West or any angel that actually wanted to know my existence. But my plan was soon cut short as I saw the red painted angel-proofing symbols drawn all over the walls. Wow. They'd really prepared. 

"Well, we can do this is easy way, or the hard way. It's up to you. What do you want?" Nathan asked as he traced the blade up my arm. 

"Um. I'm pretty sure I said no." I replied, with sass. Oh yeah. One-nil to Brooke. Bring it.

"Suit yourself." Nathan shrugged as he shoved the knife into my arm, making me tense up. I breathed slow, and tried to show no expression in hope he'd get bored and stop. It's worked for a while, but then he just got angry and stabbed me in the stomach. Pain seared through me as he twisted the knife and then pulled it out again. I grunted. I tried to steer my thoughts away from what was happening here and this about what I was going to do to Alex when I got hold of him.

"Well, well, well, Brookie. I hear that Lucifer would like a word with you, in the near future." A demon taunted me from the shadows. He stepped out towards the light, and knelt down next to my hand. He smirked. I realised he was close enough for me to grab, so I took the chance and grappled him by his neck and I stared deep into his black eyes. I concentrated and forced all my anger out into the demon. His eyes were then replaced by a blinding light. As he screamed, his mouth filled with the golden light. I then dropped the corpse as I glared up at Ruby. I didn't want to be messed with right now.

The torture went on for hours, each time I was asked, I refused to give them my Grace. Ruby and Nathan then got bored and left, carrying the demon corpse out with them. They left me in the room, alone. My eyes started to droop and I started to become really weak.

"Brooke? BROOKE!" An Australian voice called out. The person ripped off the restraints and carried me out in their muscular arms. 

"C-Chris?" I coughed as I spat out blood.

"Shhh, it's okay now. I'm taking you back." He soothed as he ran through a forest. Realising I was safe, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

When I awoke again, I was greeted by Sebastien's concentration face as he stitched up a cut on my forehead. 

"Ugh, Sebastien. Why can't you used your Grace to heal me instead? Human ways are boring." I complained. He laughed. 

"I need practice if I want to do it properly in the hospital." Sebastien replied as he cut the thread and then began dabbing the cut with some cotton wool. 

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!" Dean cheered as he paraded through the bus carrying a plate of eggs and bacon. He was soon followed by Rian, who was shaking his cutlery in his hand like a lunatic. I smiled at his adorableness. 

"Is Brooke awake? How is she?" Alex ran into the room. I stood up straight. 

"YOU! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" I exclaimed. I heard Kelly try and stifle a laugh as I quoted from Harry Potter. 

"You told him! You told Nathan! And then he came after me! He wants my Grace! All because you couldn't shut your stupid little cake hole!" I shouted at him, I fell backwards, but was caught by West and he sat me back down, healing me fully using his Grace. The whole bus fell silent. 

"You didn't? Did you? Alex! You complete and utter traitor! She trusted you!" Stella exploded.

"Wow, you must be on your period." Was Alex's witty reply. Stella breathed in deeply, not breaking eye-contact with Alex.

"THAT is the most misogynistic reply to a debate that I have ever heard in my entire life. And believe me, one of us is gonna be bleeding and it ain't gonna be me." She growled.

"One touch. That's all it takes. It won't hurt much, you'll just feel me burning you inside out." West taunted. Alex produces his fangs and hissed at him.

"West." My father barked at him from a corner. West backed off, but still scowled at Alex as he sat in the corner. I didn't doubt that West would murder him, but to kill a vampire, you had to really mean it, channel all you anger through your hand and into them, from the demon last night, it didn't look like a pleasant experience. 

"Brooke, can you remember anything that happened last night?" Stella asked, as Sebastien started dabbing at my forehead again. I nodded, and ran them through from when I woke up, to when Chris found me. But I left out the information of the other demon all together. Lucifer and the demon's death. 

"Alex wouldn't tell him. Maybe you guys were overheard, or you accidentally left a live stream running off of the camera." Jack suggested. I nodded. It seemed like a rational explanation.

"Okay. Well, the safest place for you to stay now is with this bus full of vampires and hunters. You'll be alright here." Sam told me. I looked around. With everyone stood in the main part of the bus, literally nobody could move. I looked back at Sam with a confused look on my face. 

"Looks like you guys are gonna need a bigger bus." Dean smirked from a corner.


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