Sometimes The Sickness Is The Cure. - Chapter 6

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That night, at around 11:45pm, the guys went out hunting, leaving us in the bus, alone. I made everyone coffee to try and keep them awake until the guys get back. 

“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Stella said to Kelly, and she nodded.

“What is?” I asked, suspiciously.

“You, and Alex.” Kelly blurted out. Stella glared at her and jabbed her with her elbow. 

“OW!” Kelly squealed.

“What? No! We’re just friends. That’s all.” I confirmed. They both gave me looks which looked like they weren’t convinced.

“Okay! I like him… A bit… Not much…” I trailed off as Stella smiled with glee. 

“AWWW!” Kelly smiled. 

“Yeah, but you three have got to promise not to tell anyone, okay?” They both nodded, understanding. 

“Well, I wanted to tell you guys something.” Stella whispered. Our ears pricked up expectantly as we leaned in. 

“I've met Rian in the past when I went to America for a month, all those years ago… And I think I like him…” Stella trailed off as her face began to turn a shade of light pink. Wow. This was all a little strange. An angel falling in love with a vampire? And a hunter falling in love with a vampire as well? They'd make a great duo out hunting, if anything. I was going to murder the Cupid that shot us when I got hold of them.

"Yeaahh, boyfriends are cool, but have you ever heard of chocolate fountains?" Kelly smiled. 

"Or... Or... Umm... That dude from the TV show... Bilbo Watson?" Kelly tried to remember his name.

"Martin Freeman?"Stella laughed.

"YEAH! Isn't he just a bundle of adorableness?" She laughed. We spent the end of the day talking about celebrities we liked. 

It got to around 2am, and it had started raining. The rain gently patted against the windows as we sat and listened.

"That's the greatest sound in the world." Stella whispered, and I nodded my head in agreement. A few seconds after, I heard another sort of tapping, coming from only one side of the bus.

"SHH. Do you guys here that?" Kelly whispered. My eyes widened. 

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. 

It sounded as if someone was tapping on the side of the bus. It could be the guys, but Chris has the keys, so they could just get in easily. Suddenly, the tapping started to get louder, shaking the whole of the bus.


"You guys are the Winchesters! Go and do something!" I exclaimed as the girls looked back at me, scared out of their wits. I sighed.

"Sebastien! WEST!" I exclaimed into the air. A few seconds later, my two troublesome brothers appeared by my side.

"This better be important." West muttered, but then soon shut up after he toppled off the back of the sofa and onto the floor due to the banging.


"What in Heaven's name was that?" He yelled from the floor. 

"That's what I want to know." I replied. Sebastien ran a hand through his dark brown hair and rolled his blue eyes. West looked to Sebastien for an idea.

"I guess you want me to go and see?" Sebastien muttered.

"Yeah. I'll stay here with B." West replied.

"'Oooh! Sebastien! I'm the oldest! You go and risk your life whilst I stay here and watch Brookie!'" Sebastien mocked West as he disappeared outside. I jumped up to the window and stared into the darkness, hoping to see where Sebastien was. The banging stopped, there was another almighty bang outside and I heard Sebastien yell. Soon after, West disappeared outside too. Stella was underneath the table.

"Castiel! CASTIEL!" Stella whimpered. My father didn't arrive. Outside, there was another big crash and a sickening crack. Stella and Kelly both turned an unhealthy shade of white.

About five minutes later, my father showed up with Sebastien, West and Sam. Sam's nose was crumpled and he was covered in bruises and cuts. Blood was literally everywhere. 

"Father! What happened?!" I exclaimed. 

"I heard Stella's call, so I went to get Sam. When we arrived, Sam saw the shadow and changed head-on... I can't save him. He's going to die." My father exclaimed. Stella stood in shock at the sight of her father. He was barely breathing. My father lay him down and pressed his hand against his forehead, nothing happened. 

"It's not working." West stated. Sam's breathing started to get heavy. Our time was running out. 

"Father... You and West both drained your energy saving me... I'll do it." Sebastien then bent down, placed his hand against Sam's forehead and yet again, nothing happened. No. No. No. This couldn't happen. Not now. Not ever. 

"Let... Let me try." I stammered as I made my way past West.

"Brooke..." West started. He looked at me with his big blue eyes and his slightly messy blond hair. He reminded me so much of my mother.

"West, please. Just let me try. One shot in the dark is better than just letting him die." I pleaded. West just nodded.

I knelt down beside Sebastien, then placed my left hand on Sam's forehead, and held his hand in my right. I looked into Sam's brown eyes and concentrated. I silently begged for at least some sort of miracle to happen. I was distracted from my concentration when I felt something crawling up my stomach and into my throat. I opened my mouth to scream but instead, a pale blue mist escaped, wrapped around Sam's hand and disappeared into his throat. Once the mist disappeared, Sam sat up quickly and inhaled deeply. I, on the other hand, felt weak.

"That... That wasn't normal." West stuttered.

"No, that was-" Sebastien began.

"Enochian." My father bluntly interrupted. 

"What? I mean. Doesn't it run in the bloodline or something? That's impossible. Stupid. It's supposed to be extinct. What happens now?" Stella blabbered. She was just about as sane as I was right now. 

"I'll get in touch with Heaven. Maybe they could try and understand what's going on." My father said, but was then interrupted by Kelly's squeal, followed by her falling over the sofa in fright.

"Lucifer! Right there! At that window! There!" Kelly wailed, waving a shaky finger towards the window facing me. No. This wasn't happening. This night couldn't get any worse.

"I saw him too Kelly, he was outside as well." Sam croaked. I gulped.

"Guys, you're tired. Just sit and relax for a while. Lucifer is not going to be running around chasing a band on tour. Your heads are messed up." West soothed them.

"Brooke, are you sure you're okay? Shout if you need me. I'm going to get this sorted." My father promised. I looked up to his messy brown hair and perfect jawline and I nodded.

"Stay out of trouble, B." Sebastien smiled as my father, Sam, West and Sebastien disappeared. I sighed, stood up and then the whole bus started to twirl and make me feel nauseous. I fell to the floor and everything went dark. 


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