Forget About Me. It's What I Deserve. - Chapter 9

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*~[Alex's POV]~*

We lost an angel. HOW DID WE LOSE A WHOLE ANGEL? I let out a slow and long sigh. Zack disappeared to tell Chris to stop the bus. 

"Brooke, you complete and utter grapefruit!" He exhaled as he left the room, Zack then began talking on the phone to try and delay the next venue for a few hours, his conversation following him out of the room to Chris.

"Castiel? Come here. Bring the Winchesters too." I sighed into the air. Within seconds, the parents arrived. My stomach twisted. Castiel stood looking down at me in his beige trench coat, staring at me menacingly. Dean stood back, munching on a burger and keeping away from us next to Kelly. 

"Um..." I began. I couldn't being myself to tell them. So I closed my mouth again.

"It's Brooke..." Jack trailed off. I bit my lip nervously.

"Yes, Brooke. Where is she?" Castiel asked. I swallowed awkwardly. 

"That's the problem... We can't find her. She was with us at the arena earlier but then she just vanished." Kelly said.

"Poof." Stella said.

"Poof." Jack parroted.

"What do you mean she 'just vanished'? It took you SIX HOURS to realise my daughter was missing?" Castiel exploded. This wasn't going to be pretty. He was going to kill me. 

"Cas, chill. Do you think she might be hiding somewhere?" Sam asked, eating a few fries. Castiel looked up at him. 

"Don't ask stupid questions, assbutt." Castiel remarked as he disappeared, looking for his daughter. 

"She's not hiding. No... I have this feeling. She's... she's definitely gone." I answered Sam's question. I just had this really weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, like it was doing backflips. But in a bad way, not like butterflies. It was evil, malicious man-eating caterpillars, that were eating me inside out. 

"Hey! Save a few fries for me!" Rian demanded as he scooped up a few of Sam's extra fries and ate them, completely oblivious to what the situation was. 

"Well, we have to find her. What if Nathan or Lucifer got to her?" I couldn't think about it. Then I got images. Very. Bad. Images. They could kill her, and it would all be my fault.

"What if they got to her?" I repeated.

"I don't know, Alex. Calm down, all right? It'll be fine." Jack comforted me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I jerked it away. I did NOT want to be touched right now.

"Clam dwon." Kelly quoted from one of our earlier laughs, finishing off her dad's burger. Wow, I must be pretty screwed up. I usually can't help but at least crack a smile at our old memories.

"I can't!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up in the air, exasperated.

"Alex, Brooke may be dim, but she's not stupid." Sam replied to my first question. I nodded. 

"Everything happens for a reason-" Rian tried to comfort me.

"Well you've obviously never accidentally dropped you entire dinner on the floor." Dean grumbled. Rian threw an annoyed look at Dean before beginning again.

"She's probably done it to prove how capable she was of looking after herself." StellA smiled. Dean didn't look impressed. He began to lecture us, but I kept fading in and out of the heated conversation.

"How can you lose Cas' only daughter? Not just his daughter though, one with THE ENOCHIAN DESCENT IN HER GRACE." You could actually feel the shock in the room that came from Jack and Rian alone. The guys weren't aware of what had happened earlier.

"She'll be fine. Cas'll find her."

"Yeah? Really? Well let's stop for a reality check, Sammy. She might by dead, for all we know!" 

"Dean! Don't be a jerk! Don't take it out on them!"

"I'm going to RIP HIS LUNGS OUT."

"Calm down. If she was in trouble, she would have called for Castiel already!" 

"Sam's right, Dean. She's okay. She's fine." Jack interrupted. 

"Eat it, Twilight." Dean barked back. The argument ended when Zack returned.

"Guys. Chris wasn't driving the bus. No one was. He's gone" Zack said. 

"Ugh." Jack grunted as he hit his head against the window. 

"Son of a -" Kelly and Dean both exclaimed at the same time. 

"We're in a hell of a lot of trouble, aren't we?" I asked as I turned around to face Sam and Dean. They both nodded slowly. Oh Brooke, come back right now so your dad doesn't bite my head off.


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