6.The Apple dance/song

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( I am back to school today so No more sickness. Although my nose is still a tad bit stuffed up. )

Dippers POV

I held her lifeless looking body and cried. Grunkle Stan finally made it upstairs and told us to bring her to her
I carried her to her room and on her bed. "Is s-he gonna b-be okay?"
I Sobbed. "What happened to cause this?" Stan asked. I explained how I hit her in the face after waking up from having a nightmare and she started to have a nose bleed.
"Dip,this is more than just a hit to the nose..." he said. I put my head in my hands.

"She just fainted after losing to much blood so she will be okay but...how did she lose so much blood?" he asked himself the last part.

Mabel put a hand on my shoulder.
"I did that to her..." I whispered.
"Dipper, don't blame yourself for this..." Mabel tried to calm me down. I shook my head. "But this is my fault! She wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for me!" I yelled.
"No... you didn't..." She said. I bawled and Stan left the room.

After about an hour and a half I saw her eyes flutter open. I smiled knowing she was alive. "Hey l-lillypad." I sniffled.
She turn toward me and I grabbed a clean rag and cleaned off the rest of the blood.

"Dip...what h-happened?" She asked confused.
"Your nose was bleeding and you lost too much blood..." I said.
She looked at my tear-stained face and cupped my face causing me to stop wiping her face.
It was a good thing I was done.

"I will n-never...EVER...Leave you." she said. I smirked and remembered what I had said.
She leaned in and so did i. We kissed for a moment...

When I let go, I hugged her.
"Dip?" she said.
"Can I show you something...weird?" She asked.

Lilly's POV

I got off the bed and almost fell forward and Dipper helped me. I grabbed my phone and pulled up all three of the messages.

I handed him the phone. He shook his head. "Why didn't you tell Me about these?" he asked.
"It started happening when I first came here...at first I thought that they didn't mean anything till last n-night." I explained.

He sighed. I then pulled out my bag and unzipped it. "You took the journal?! Lilly?!" He said a little mad. "I-i am sorry... Here." I said handing him his book.

"So you deciphered it then?" he asked. "Yes. Look." I say And hand him the notes.
"Lilly...I thought We were supposed to tell each other everything?" he said kinda sad.

"Well something tells me you aren't being exactly truthful with me either." I reply. He sighs closing his eyes. "Fair point.." he said.
"It is a very long story so...be prepared." he said. I nodded sitting next to Dipper now.

He told me everything that happened that led all the way up to the end. And I was amazed.
"Whoa..." is all I could spit out.

Dip nodded. "I'm sorry I yelled at you a minute ago...that was uncalled for." he said.

I just looked down. "No, I deserved it....that was wrong of me to do." I said.
"It's okay Lilly pad. You just wanted answers...that's all." he said.

I smiled knowing that he understood. "So Bill cipher has been se-" I was stopped by my phone going off and I read the new message:

Vwpm ehiluh vrphrqh jhwv kxuw

Dipper deciphered it and his eyes went big. I looked at what he has written on a blank slip of paper.

"Stop before someone gets hurt Lilly." Dipper read aloud.
"It's Bill...but how?" he asked.
Just then I feel something pound to My forehead. "YOUR OKAY!!! Yay!" I hear a familiar squeal. "Yes mabel, I'm okay." I smile.

She gives me a hug. "Good. I wouldn't stand losing a sister..." She said. I smiled. "Thank you mabel..." I said. She smiled and let go leaving.

"Lilly...you still have that s-sticker in your forehead." he said trying not to laugh. I looked up as if I could see my own forehead and chuckled.
I pulled it off and it said "HOORAY!"
Me and dip laughed.

"Lilly?" Dipper asked.
"Hm?" I say. "Do you wanna go solve this thing in the forest? I mean...that is like The main place they happen..." he asks. I nod. "Kool! But I am keeping a good eye on you! Just to make sure your okay..."

He said. It made me blush how sweet he was being. We walked downstairs and I took his hand. He got red in the face.
"You still owe me your Apple time dance!" He all of a sudden remembered. I sighed.

I hadn't done that in years.
"Your gonna make me Do it now aren't you..." I asked. He nodded.
I drag him outside and behind the shack.

"Are you ready?" I asked. He sat on a stump and He pulled his hand up and acted like he was zipping his lips up and threw the key away. I smiled.

"Now or never..." I kept repeating in my head.

"Up,up,up in the branches, the apples away,the apples sway.
Have it everyday.
To keep the doctor away!"
He gives me a thumbs up and blushed.
"It's red and juicy and round, and round, and round.
When it's ripe it falls on the ground, on the ground, on the ground.
Have it everyday...to keep the doctor away!"
The ending my voice cracked a bit feeling embarrassed.

I was some what sweating afterwards. He was blushing like madness. He stood up and smiled.
"That was almost as embarrassing as mine was!" He said. I sighed. "Oh gee thanks..." I said rolling my eyes.

He laughed. "I'm just kidding! It was adorable..." He said taking my hands. I smile. "R-really?" I say. He nods. He kisses my cheeks and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"L-lilly... I-I really l-l-love you... So m-much." he said stuttering and then pulling my closer. His arms were around my waist. I giggle at his cute dorky side. This is the Dipper I loved the most.

"I l-love you too...you dork..." I say And he rolls his eyes playfully. "But don't worry... Your my dork..." I say. He blushes.

I smiled and blushed at a thought. "What?" he asked. "Am I suddenly wearing the lamb costume again?" he asked sarcastically making me giggle.

"No...it's just... It was a silly thought." I said. He shook his head. "Come on Lilly pad..." he said and I smirked.
"Ok...fine......I randomly was thinking...what if you and I...in the future...we got m-married?" I said.

He have me this weird look. "Yeah,i know it is stupid...I told you tha-" but next thing I knew I was kissing Dip. I smiled under the kiss.

It felt as if it were the first though... It was so full of energy and sparks. We didn't let go until I was starting to run out of air.
Him and I had our foreheads together breathing some what heavily.
"It wasn't stupid at all..." he said smiling. I played with his fluffy hair and blushed. We held hands and set off into the direction of that spot where Dipper took me.
It made me get butterflies in my stomach.

I really did love Dipper but I was afraid that hi was gonna mess everything up...What if he thinks I am nothing and leaves me to let out my feelings alone? Or what of u do that to him?!

"Were here...." he whispered making me lose my train of thought. I looked around and the place was so pretty. Just like last time.

We lied down next to each other talking about the book. We laughed about the gnomes story, because it somehow came up, too.
I yawned and snuggled with dip. I closed my eyes and inhaled and exhaled. "You sleepy?" he asked.
I nodded.
He set down his book and put his vest over me. He then pulled me close and played with my hair. I heard him yawn as well.

I soon fell asleep...

( That was a really cheesy chapter... But I love cheese so... Yeah. Bye bye!)

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