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Lilly's POV

Everything was so... Different. Its like I am living an entirely new life. I had been talking to Laurence for a while now and finally he mentioned something.
"You know... Garroth said that there was someone that was to meet up with me here... For a guard job." he said.
Shoot. I forgot.
"Well that person is here right now...they Just wasn't really prepared for it and they ALSO would like to punch Garroth in the face right now." I say.
I sighed. "Wait... Garroth wants you to do guard duty?" He starts to laugh.
I did NOT expect that.
"Is that an insult?" I joke.
He stopped laughing and got all ( Sorry! ) stutterish.
"U-uhh... N-No! I mean... Well- i-ts just... You-"
I raised an eyebrow.
"Relax I was joking..." I say and he becomes at ease.
"Huh... Oh! Um... Yeah! Haha! Good--one." he said.
I sighed.

" I walked outside this morning to get a breath of fresh air and he just walked up to me and said to come to you... But if I knew any combat skills then...
I don't know them now!" I explain.
He nods.
"W-Well.... I can't exactly let you have the job until...you actually learn how to fight a bit more.. He says.
"I know... I honestly knew that.
But I think Garroth was-"
"-over excited? Yeah... He hadn't been that happy in a while..." he says. I nod understanding it all.
It goes silent.
"I-is it because I dissapeared?" I asked. I felt bad.
"In a way... Yeah... But it's not your fault at all!" he responded.
I sighed. "L-laurence... I need to know how I lost my memory..." I say. He shook his head.
"I don't think you will want to have known after I tell you." He said.
"Maybe I can... Get those memories back though..." I say.
He gave me a blank expression.
"What!?" I shouted.
He shook his head once more.
"I-i just don't want you g-getting hurt... That's all." he stuttered.
I looked down at my hands and twiddle with my fingers.

"I know...that feeling to just want to take b-back what's yours but...
What if there's more to it th-then what i-i tell y-you? Lets at least wait a little bit. Please?" he said.
It was driving me crazy...
Every second I stay here it's going to slightly drive me bonkers as long as I know nothing.
Dipper had been wearing off on me...
"F-fine... I ju-"

I was interrupted by someone barging in.
We both look to see Garroth and Kaitlyn. Oh boy...
"There you are! I was looking for you everywhere!" Garroth gasps.
I sighed and nod.
"Wait how come nobody tells me stuff anymore?!?!" Kaitlyn says flustered.
Laurence shrugs.
She rolls her eyes crossing her arms.
"The others are on their way." Garroth says.
I raise an eyebrow.
"You will see." he says and I shrug.
"You really think this will work?" Kaitlyn asks Garroth. He shrugs.
"Lets hope." he adds and me and Laurence were looking like idiots not knowing what was going on.
"Garroth... Why did you ca- No... Way... This isn't real. She is just a figment of your imagination...
Its impossible. She died. She's-"

"Wait I was DEAD?!?!" I yelled in anger of Laurence not informing me. The girl that just walked into the room had light Pink hair and chocolate brown eyes.
"Hey! Hey! Whoa! Calm down over there!"
Garroth says. "LAURNENCE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" I yelled. He swung his hands up in surrender.
"L-lilly... You promised..." he said.
I calmed down and apologized.

"-Dawn... She's real. She's alive." Laurence told the girl who hurried up to me feeling and messing with my face.
I stopped her. "Okay I'm still human of your wondering!" I say And she giggled slightly.
She hugs me and begins to speak.
"I knew it was all un-real..." she said and something came to me.


"I knew it was too good to be true! You not only have Garroth as your Lover but you also have that Laurence guy too?! This is... Wow!" she gasped as Laurence got back to his conversation with whom I'm guessing was his father.
Dante sat down near my legs.
"Seriously Dawn! No! Laurence does NOT think of me like that! He came into town like what... A week ago? I highly doubt that he is into me after only knowing me for three days." I explain. She sighs and crosses her arms.
"De~nial" She says. I roll my eyes. I decided to play her little game.
"Oh you know what! Your just jealous that more guys like me more than you!" I say.
She knew I was joking with her.
"Oh as if!" she says and we start to laugh.

End of Flashback

I hugged back.
Then as soon as she let go, as if on timing, another girl walked in.
She had red hair, (but a little darker than mine) and Green eyes. She smiled widely.
"Oh.my.GOSH!!! Eeeek!!!" she squealed. "She's back! Finally!" she was so hyper and happy!
She almost began bouncing off the walls! She squeezed me Right as if I were her only chance of life. I hope I'm not.
"C-cant... Brrrreath!" I pant and she lets go quickly.
"Oh! sorry! You probably don't remember me But I'm Kat! With a K!" she said. I giggled her energetic ways.
Then a guy walked in.
"Why are we meeting he- well well! Look who we have here!
I see someone has finally retirned! Welcome back!
Garroth and Laurence has told us everything. So I guess I half to i produce myself.
I'm Gene." he said holding out one hand for me to shake and the other in his pocket.
He seemed.... Different. I dodnt want to mess up anything with my powers like read a thought that shouldn't be read so I stayed... Natural.
"Well nice to meet you... Again. Yeah..." I say and he chuckles some.
He turns toward Garroth.
"Tristons on her wa-"
Just then the door opened.
There stood a girl with long brown, straight hair and hazel eyes.
"She lives! So the rumors ARE true." she says. I nod akwardly.
It was getting crowded at This point.
This was hard to process...
"I am just uh... Gonna get some air." I say rushing past everyone to the outside.
That's seven people. Eight of you count dante.
They were all so close to me yet...
I remember nothing... I feel terrible.
I look out at the sky and saw all the constolations. One caught my eye.
Oh God...
The big Dipper....
Gravity falls.

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