Chapter 11

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*Jessica's POV*

I woke up to the sound of Earned It by The Weekend blaring out from my phone. My alarm clock which meant it was 7:30am, time for school. Today is Monday, meaning my first time preforming at a sports game and the day I meet Dan. To say I was nervous was an understatement.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom where I started to fill the sink with hot water. Because I got a shower last night I was just going to get a quick wash before school and get a shower after school in the changing rooms. Once I was done I went back to my bedroom and picked out my clothes for the day. It was early October and still really hot so I decided on a thin pink top that has bows on back that show off a bit of my back and some white jeans. Then on my feet I wore my white converse and a leather jacket on top. Then once I was dressed I straightened my hair and did my usual makeup, foundation and two different mascaras. Once I was fully done I looked at myself in the full length mirror and smiled. I'd packed my gym bag and school bag last night so I just picked them up along with my phone and keys and made my way downstairs.

I entered the kitchen to see my mum sat at the island in the middle reading the paper and drinking some coffee. I went to the fridge and got out a bottle of water and a fruit salad which my mum must of made earlier and put in the fridge so it would stay fresh. Once I finally sat down I unlocked my phone and looked at my messages.

Player🏀: Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling today?

Jess: Nervous, wbu?

Player🏀: nervous but I'm also excited, I get to meet you 🙌.

Jess: Yes you do, are you on your way to school or are you already there?

Player🏀: Already here. Coach wanted to have a longer practise since it's the first game of the season.

Jess: I've never asked you but what number are you?

Player🏀: 28.

Jess: 😮 My lucky number.

Player🏀: well would you look at that. Well I gotta go breaks over, text you later beautiful 😘.

Jess: Alright, speak soon handsome 💕.

I locked my phone and got up from the table, putting my bowl into the sink and throwing my empty water bottle into the bin. I picked up everything I needed once again and left the room. "See you later Mum," I shouted before the front door closed behind me.

Pressing the button to unlocked my car I opened the backseat door and threw my bags in before climbing into the drivers seat. I turned the engine on and turned up the music loud, setting off to school.


By the time it was lunchtime my nerves had doubled and I was finding it hard to eat. Dan had set off twenty minutes ago so unlike usual I wasn't texting him and my friends had my full attention. "So are you excited to finally meet him?" Asked Poppy. "Yeah I am, like I know I'm nervous but wouldn't you be excited if you were meeting the guy you liked for the first time?" "Your so lucky, did you say his friends were coming too?" Asked Jane. "Yeah but only two of them are single, apparently James has been in his for a while so they must really like each other." "Oh thats fine then because I'm not looking and you guys know it and the reason why."

It was true Scarlet wasn't looking for a guy because she already had her eye on someone. Her guy best friend, Jonathan. They'd known each other since they were little because there parents were friends. They'd been brought up together and had always been best friends. I know it sounds so cliché falling for your boy best friend but it was just so cute. He liked her but she couldn't see it and she liked him but he couldn't see it. We'd tried so many times for them both to realise it but after many failed attempts we just left it up to fate to decide when it'd finally happen.

Before we could have anymore discussion about the nights events that were coming up the bell went, signalling for afternoon classes to start.


The final bell rung at 3:15 and me and Poppy walked down the the locker rooms from our last class together. "So show me a picture of his single friends." I unlocked my phone and entered the facebook app. I went the the search bar and typed in dans name the clicked on his profile. Once it had loaded I clicked on his cover photo which was of him and the other three boys. Dan was on the end with Tyler next to him, then Sam and finally James.

"Ooo he's cute," she said pointing at Tyler. "That's Tyler, heard he's a bit of a player but can be sweet and faithful once in a relationship." "That's good to know." By this time we had made it to the locker rooms and we joined the rest of the squad inside. Shannon, the head cheerleader wanted to get some last minute practise time in before we had to get ready. She said we'd practise for half an hour till 3:45 then start getting ready for the game.

30 minutes later I re-entered the locker room to have my showered I'd been planning all day. I washed my body with some body wash and then wrapped a towel round me leaving the shower cubicle. At my locker I got my cycle shorts, skirt, top, pumps and underwear out of my bag and started getting ready. I slipped my underwear on and applied a layer of deodorant before putting the navy blue cycle shorts on first. Following the shorts came the blue and white skirt. We'd been advised to wear the cycle shorts for when we do kicks. Then to finish off I put on the blue and white top on that had the schools name on in the middle. Next I went over to the mirrors and put my hair up into a high pony tail and reapplied some mascara and put on a tiny bit of lipstick. Just as I'd finished we had to go out and start cheering to get the crowd pumped up.

Fifteen minutes and two routines later it was time for the players to come out on court. We moved off to the sidelines where our team bench and stand was. We were in formation for the players to run out. The opposing team was meant to run out first and this would be the first time I'd seen in person. The commentator started to speak: Well hey there Dalesways, are we ready to start off another great season of basketball? The crowds answer and ours was a mixture of yells, cheers and claps. Well good because here our teams. First out all the way from Dallas are Tophill highschool.

And that's when I saw him, or should I say his team number whizz right past me, Number 28.

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